Category: Athletes

  • Influence Of Competitive Sports On Teenager

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website says regular physical activity in adolescence improves strength and endurance, helps build healthy bones and muscles, helps control weight, cuts anxiety and stress, boosts self-esteem and may improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Researchers found that teens involved in sports had higher grade-point averages, and were…

  • Why Do Athletes Get Paid More Than Doctors

    We are living in a world today where being a doctor is no longer one of the most appreciated fields in the world. Today athletes, basketball players, football players and baseball players are given more appreciation than doctors. As a matter of fact, they even earn more than doctors. If you want to make a…

  • Transgender Athletes: History And Discrimination

    Abstract Transgender athletes encounter discrimination in the world of sports. Beginning from summer of the 1936 Olympics, was also known as the Nazi Olympics, in Berlin (Budanovic, Nikola 2019). To our upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Even in High school sports, teenagers are followed by discrimination when parents or students find out about being transgender. There…

  • What Is Societys Outlook On Female Athletes Compared To Male Athletes?

    How can we as a society say we are perfect if we still discriminate against the females in the athlete world? This generation of female athletes are still being discriminated for being women. Society is judging them based on how much better men are at playing the sport, but how can you judge a woman…

  • The Being A Student Athlete Is Difficult

    This research will discuss about difficulty of being a student athlete. researcher chose this topic because being a student athlete herself, She already know the feeling of being one. And because her, being a student athlete it makes her more eager to know more about the struggles and difficulties they’re facing, as time goes by.…

  • The Development Of Athletics In China And Other Nations

    Abstract As one of the oldest sports in the world, the origin of athletics, or track and field, can be traced back to Ancient Greece. In 776 BC, the first Olympic game, track and field event was held for the first time. Over time, more and more events such as swimming, cycling, fencing, and so…

  • Athletes and Active Public Position

    Activism involves actions and efforts which are used to create a social or political change. The most famous activists include Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and Malala Yousafzai. King and Mandela fought for racial equality within their nations, while Yousafzai has dedicated her life to gender equality, primarily womens education. An activist must be…

  • Volleyball: History, Rules And Peculiarities

    Volleyball is an old and historic sport that was created in the 19th century. It is a worldwide sport today with millions practicing it each day. In the past few years volleyball has become almost as popular as basketball and football. In fact it used to be called mintonette before its name was changed to…

  • Professional Athletes And Society

    Professional athletes are widely known for their amazing physical abilities. No one could dunk like Michael Jordan, and no one could fight like Muhammad Ali. Often, though, these athletes accomplish great things outside of the sporting world. In some cases, these athletes use their prominent status for the betterment of society, drawing public focus on…

  • The Characteristics Of College Athletics And Academics

    Money is the root of all evil. While this may seem be an extreme explanation and perhaps a bit of an over exaggeration, in many ways, this verse defines the issues plaguing modern day college athletics. In fact, the prioritization of money in college athletics is not a recent epidemic; its roots have been placed…