Category: Australia

  • Openness to Global Changes of the Generations of Vietnam and Australia

    How can people be free? These were the words of the originator of the conflict theory, Karl Marx who based an entire theory on this question, where he describes the theory where he believed that people, by nature, are free, creative beings who have the potential to transform the world. But he observed that the…

  • Federalism in Australia: How State and Federal Governments Work Together

    Australia has a national and state governments and federalism refers to the relationship between these governments. Federalism is when a government divides power between the national government and the state governments. Some advantages of federalism include that it separates powers of government to prevent one person or group to make all the rules in a…

  • The Ineffectiveness Of Australian Privacy Laws

    In the current world, technology is used so widely and by so many. It assists in a variety of daily tasks such as communication, work and even education. It interconnects our world with the click of a button allowing information to be sent around the world instantaneously. Although allowing the ability for connection, the thousands…

  • Influence Of The American Civil Rights Movement On The Australian Civil Rights Movement

    The prejudice and misrepresentation of Aboriginal peoples in state and federal law has existed in Australia ever since the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788. The American Civil Rights Movement (1955  1968) was lead by Martin Luther King and encouraged by the people. This significantly affected the Australian people in realising the inequality…

  • Rites of Passage among Native People of America and Australia: Analytical Essay

    Primal Traditions are the first traditions of humankind. They have been handed down from generation to generation through stories, songs or specific rites of passage in their tradition. These primal traditions are generally from non-literate people which indicates that they do not depend on scriptures or written teachings (oral) instead, trees and plants, water bodies,…

  • The Ineffectiveness Of Australian Privacy Laws

    In the current world, technology is used so widely and by so many. It assists in a variety of daily tasks such as communication, work and even education. It interconnects our world with the click of a button allowing information to be sent around the world instantaneously. Although allowing the ability for connection, the thousands…

  • Influence Of The American Civil Rights Movement On The Australian Civil Rights Movement

    The prejudice and misrepresentation of Aboriginal peoples in state and federal law has existed in Australia ever since the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788. The American Civil Rights Movement (1955  1968) was lead by Martin Luther King and encouraged by the people. This significantly affected the Australian people in realising the inequality…

  • Ethics in the Financial Services Industry

    In 2019 National Australia Bank (NAB) was taken to court by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) for charging ongoing fees to customers for financial planning services that were not provided (Australian Securities Investment Commission, 2019a). This is one example of a larger issue within the financial services industry of companies not complying with…

  • What Does It Mean to Be an Australian Citizen: Narrative Essay

    To be a citizen means you have your say and are part of making your community how it is. We all have rights and responsibilities, even just being in the state, such as the simple laws like ‘Don’t steal’ or ‘Don’t go through a red light’, those very simple yet recognizable laws that shape our…

  • Illegal Immigration: Should it be Legal?

    Trump has strong opinions on illegal immigration, should Australia follow& or not? There has been a recent spark in the public interest of the subject of illegal immigration, most attribute it to the said radical views of the President of the US: Donald J. Trump. There is a lot of controversy especially on his proposal…