Category: Autism

  • Autism: Insight From Inside Movie Reflection

    All the people worldwide are united as one species Homo Sapiens but are still exceptional in their ways. An Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) presents one possibility of peoples exceptionality as differently-abled individuals. It is a spectrum from high functioning to severe autism that varies in the degree of needed support and affected abilities (Hardman et…

  • Effects of Music Therapy for Adolescents with Autism

    Table of Contents Identification & Definition of the Topic Significance of the research Research questions Literature Review Methodology References Identification & Definition of the Topic Autism is a puzzling disease that has, for a long time, bemused medical society. It is a condition that starts almost after birth and typically affects children below the age…

  • Cell Phones May Cause Autism

    Table of Contents Introduction Aim of the research Process of the research The results of the investigation Strengths and weaknesses of the research Conclusion Reference List The article under consideration Wireless Radiation in the Etiology and Treatment of Autism: Clinical Observations and Mechanisms (2007) is taken from the Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional…

  • Childhood Disorders: Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Criteria for a diagnosis of an Autism spectrum disorder As a rule, autism starts in infancy or no later than the first years of life. First concerns usually come from parents who are alarmed if their child does not use language for the purpose of communication, despite being able to recognize words (Lord et al.,…

  • Concept and Cause of Autism: Reports on Autism

    A recent survey on peoples attitude toward Autism reveals that a significant percentage of parents still believe that the disease is caused by vaccines taken during childhood. The survey was conducted by the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT), with the results published on Oct. 4th 2008, in the Science Daily. It is surprising that 24%…

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Communication

    Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review Research Questions and Hypothesis Methods: Sample, Procedure, And Analysis Ethical Considerations Discussion: Expected Results, Conclusions, And Limitations Conclusion References Introduction It is important to note that autism spectrum disorder is a condition that is the result of abnormal brain development. The key impacts of the disease are manifested in…

  • Interventions for Children With Autism Spectrum

    Introduction Communication problems are characteristic of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Jack, for example, demonstrates these variances in language and speech acquisition through his lack of latency in spoken vocabulary and issues with engagement and mimicking. The following two strategies and interventions would help support Jacks communication access. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) initiatives…

  • Autism Universal Screening: Response to Media Article

    This is the response to the recent article Why Theres Disagreement over Screening Every Child for Autism? published in The New York Times. The latest recommendations of the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) state that the universal screening of all autistic children should not be conducted. The article highlights that this decision made many…

  • Functional Communication Training via Telehealth for Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) was employed for this investigation to compare the therapy with Functional Communication Training. RCTs participants are randomly assigned to either an experimental or a control group. Testing the effects of a novel depression drug would serve as an example. In this situation, one group would get the real medication, and the…

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Signs and Symptoms Diagnostic Criteria Differential Diagnosis Causes and Risk Factors Screening Tools Interventions Conclusion References Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a collection of neurological conditions in which a persons speech, motor motions, and social interaction are disrupted. ASD is categorized as a cognitive disorder as its symptoms usually develop…