Category: Barack Obama

  • How Did Barack Obama Changed the World

    Foreign Policy Achievements of Barack Obama In 2008, former United States President Barrack Obama campaigned for president and reflected a fundamental change in the foreign policies of the United States of America. His promises were basically challenging, and changing old-fashioned dogmas that molded previous presidencies, from trying to rule the world, to ill-perceived efforts towards…

  • Barack Obama Inauguration Essay

    The speech that Barack Obama gave during his inauguration in the year 2009 utilized a central route to persuasion. A central route to persuasion has special features concerning the audience, processing, and the result. For example, there is a utilization of facts to convince the audience about a message’s worthiness. Notably, the audience should possess…

  • George Washington vs Barack Obama

    I am going to talk about how George Washington or Barack Obama had a more successful presidency. I think that Barack Obama would have helped the US more than Washington because now we have more technology. Obama started a caring act called Obama Care Washington passed a lot of acts and tariffs as well. Obama…

  • Obama Health Care Reform Essay

    On March 23rd, President Obama signed into law The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as the ACA, or colloquially as Obamacare. Obama, and his staffers, had feared failure on multiple occasions (Obama, 2020), and when it comes to promoting their legislative agenda, the question has always been whether a president can…

  • Why Is Barack Obama a Hero

    Was Obama a Hero in Fighting Racism? Barack Obamas presidential election was significant in marking a change in the nature of attitudes and beliefs regarding race in American society. As the first African-American president, the build-up to his campaign was crucial as it enforced many to evaluate pressing issues regarding race and unequal opportunities amongst…

  • Essay on Obama Care Pros and Cons

    What is Obama care? Ok, now we are on Obama healthcare so almost everyone living in the United States has heard of something called Obama healthcare. But not everyone has a clear understanding of what Obama care is and what it does for families that are living in the United States. Most people probably only…

  • Comparative Analysis of Two Speeches: Barack Obama Versus Jimmy Carter

    The two speeches being compared in this paper are that of President Barack Obama released on January 21, 2013, and President Jimmy Carter released on January 20, 1977. Obama served as the 44th president of the United States (US) from the year 2009 to 2017 while Carter served as the 39th president of the United…

  • 5 Paragraph Essay on Patriotism

    One of the main similarities between the two inaugural speeches is the use of emotional appeal. Emotional appeal is one of the most effective persuasive techniques as the viewers give off an emotional response before logically thinking about what the speaker says. Trump and Obama use this technique throughout their speeches by using patriotism to…

  • George Washington Vs Barack Obama: Compare and Contrast Essay

    George Washington was president from the years 1789-1797; Barack Obama was president from the years 2009-2017. That’s over a 200-year difference between their terms of presidency. Yet in both of their farewell letters, they sound similar, ad if certain things haven’t changed and it’s still an issue or that it has changed and it had…

  • Rhetorical Analysis Essay on ‘A More Perfect Union’

    Over the centuries there have been so many great men who have made so many great speeches. One of if not the most iconic speeches is Dr. Martin Luther Kings ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. Another speech that may not be as significant but still important is Senator Barack Obama’s ‘A More Perfect Union’. These…