Category: Birth Control

  • Margaret Sanger Birth Control Essay

    ‘When motherhood and childhood are free, we then can go hand in hand with man, to remake the world, for the glorification as well as the emancipation of the human race.’ Margaret Sanger ended her passionate speech debating birth control against Winter Russell with that quote. Sanger, born in 1879, was a revolutionary woman who…

  • Birth Control: For Or Against?

    According to Sels study, the form of female Birth control has been used since ancient times, but effective and safe methods of birth control only became available in the 20th century (Sel 616). Although female contraceptives are good for young teens and many adults, contraceptives are not always easy for everyone to get ahold of…

  • General Overview Of Over The Counter Birth Control

    Anti-conception medication pills are the second most generally used strategy for contraception in the United States. The Pill is as of now accessible by prescription only, and a debate has developed about whether birth control pills should be accessible over the counter. Requiring a prescription for the pill is a boundary for many women, including…

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Birth Control

    One of many wrangling decisions nowadays is weather to provide birth control or let nature take its course. Studies show that  18 precent of teenage girls (age 13-18), or almost 1 in 5, are on birth control(Kramer). There are many methods to prevent pregnancy. For example, abstinence is number one along with being the…

  • Children and Contraception: Opinion Essay On Birth Control

    Birth control is so widely, available and accepted, that the thought of it becoming legal and widely, available only starting in the 1960s for the United States is shocking. Much of the birth control movement was lead and pushed by Margaret Sanger. Sanger was originally a nurse in New York City, where she encountered the…

  • History of Birth Control Essay

    Womens rights in Canada have greatly improved and accustomed to the needs of women in the last semi-century. Treating women equally, advocating feminist behaviors, and allowing them to have control over their bodies has gone from being inappropriate and deemed taboo to being predominantly normalized and encouraged in the present. Canada continues to strive for…

  • Cons of Having Over the Counter Birth Control Essay

    As many of you know a group discussion is a bunch of different ideas brought together by your classmates and well sometimes some of them will not be effective and some are probably really good facts, its to bring everyone and their knowledge to the table, Today I and my two peers decided we were…

  • Essay on Birth Control Side Effects

    The topic of womens health is often overlooked in many ways. However, these discussions and conversations must be done out in the open. One of these surrounds the question of why women still get pregnant even when they are on birth control. To start with, no form of birth control guarantees 100% efficiency. Therefore, it…

  • Compare and Contrast Essay on Condoms and Birth Control Pills

    There are many different options for birth control. For men, options are limited, and at this time, men have only two options, condoms and vasectomies. Scientists are currently working on new methods for men to use. Women, on the other hand, have a few more options. Women have the option to resort to birth control…

  • Pros and Cons of Birth Control Essay

    With the help of Hormonal birth control, adds help not only to the user but also to society. As birth control helps to dampen the Female Reproductive System, it gives control to one of our countrys biggest problems which is Overpopulation. Not only does it help to lessen the Overpopulation problem here in the Philippines,…