Category: Brexit

  • The British Football Culture And Potential Impacts On The British Football By Brexit

    The football culture is big in England and in Scotland. There are many reasons why many people start with football and join different football communities. For instance, in Glasgow Scotland, ethnicity, nationality and history are the reasons why people are joining different football communities. On the other hand, this creates a lot of conflicts between…

  • Brexit and Its Possible Consequences for the UK

    Brexit is a term just, like ‘Grexit’ that was utilized for a long time to allude to the probability of Greece leaving the Eurozone. Brexit refers to the possibility of Britain pulling back from the European Union (EU) (The Economic Times). The European Union – regularly known as the EU – is an Economic and…

  • Brexit and British Liberal Democracy

    Brexit was unprecedented and life-changing for the United Kingdom. It not only exposed weaknesses within British Liberal Democracy, but it also saw an evolution of its more traditional principles, a necessary adaption to the needs of modern times. In reference to British Liberal Democracy, we refer to the form of government and ideology with representative…

  • Brexit: Potential Risks and Opportunities for the Financial Industry

    On the 23rd of June 2016, the United Kingdom held a referendum to decide on the future of Great Britain. As stated in the journal, The economics of international disintegration by Thomas Sampson (2019), Brexit is the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EUs supranational political institutions and will lead to the erection of…

  • Brexit: Potential Risks for the UK Economy

    Brexit is currently one of the most controversial topics in the world, especially in Europe. From the name Brexit we all understand that it stands for the exit of Britain from EU. Britain always a questionable role in European Union. Britain first applied for the membership of the EU at 1973. But at that time,…

  • Brexit: Britains Decision to Leave the EU and Its Possible Consequences

    The word Brexit is a combination of two words Britain and Exit. The United Kingdom decided to leave the EU 3 years on June 2016. There were total of 72.2% voters and 51.9% voted in favor of Brexit and 42.1% vote against the notion. The supporters of Brexit won the margin by 3.8% which was…

  • Brexits Potential Impact on Individuals and Companies

    What does Brexit mean to you, me or SMEs? Undoubtedly, Brexits impact will affect individuals and companies, whether they are SMEs, multinational corporations, banks or other organizations, in a myriad of different ways depending on the specific nature of the business or person. Certainly, the origin or make up of the SME is key to…

  • Britain’s Decision to Leave the EU

    There are many reasons stating why Brexit was triggered. There are 3 reasons the brits voted for Brexit, economics, sovereignty, political elitism. When it comes to economics most of the British people believe that jobs and financial opportunities are being taken away by immigrants. They also believe that foreign competition is killing their companies and…

  • Brexit and Its Impact on UK SMEs

    Since Britains decision to leave the EU, there have been various changes that have already taken place and had both positive and negative impacts on small to medium sized businesses that operate in the UK. These changes will be the one of the two focuses of this essay. The other focus will be on the…

  • Brexit, Donald Trump and the Rise of Populism

    Brexit. A word that rolls of the tongue with ease is in fact a heavy, oft-sour topic. The political turmoil caused by a vote passed in 2016 is not going away anytime soon. The media framing of Brexit is polarizing. Citizen discord permeates through social media sites, news outlets, and the streets of cities. The…