Category: Business 11471

  • Taxation of Foreign Nationals by the United State

    Table of Contents Introduction Taxation system on foreign residents Tax laws impact on the U.S. economy Conclusion References Introduction In every nation, there is a set system of tax collection. The U.S. is not an exemption to the rule. Their system is self-assessing and presupposes that citizens, as well as foreigners, are liable to taxation.…

  • Decision Traps in Decision Making

    Decision making is an integral part of management. On many occasions managers are not conscious of the decisions they make every day. Whether decisions are made consciously or unconsciously, they have direct or indirect effect on an organization (Russo & Schoemaker, 1990, p.23). To be good decision makers, managers have to make high quality decisions…

  • The European Debt Crisis

    Table of Contents Introduction Understanding the European Debt Crisis Impact of the European debt crisis on multinationals Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In 2011, Europe faced one of the worst debt crises. Countries such as Greece and Portugal were heavily indebted and required the other countries in the bloc to bail them out. The only country…

  • Motivating and Understanding Employees, and Creating a Flexible Organization

    A small business is any business that has less than 500 employees. In addition, it is not a dominant player in that specific industry on a national basis. There are various areas of businesses that attract small businesses but the most notable ones are the retail, hotel, advertisement and agricultural sectors. These areas have been…

  • Monetary and Fiscal Policy in US

    Table of Contents Introduction Fiscal policy Monetary policy Returning Of Deficits through Fiscal Reform The Costs and Significance of Tax Reduction And Deficits Conclusion References Introduction The government of the US plays a significant role in the American economy, which is the backbone of the countrys success and also has a role in the control…

  • How Instagram affects Peoples Lives Nowadays

    Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review Research Objectives Methodology Time Scale References Introduction Instagrams main line of business focuses on sharing photos and videos. While operating in this line of business, the organisation has immensely altered the manner in which people perceive the world. Kelvin Systrom who is the companys co-founder maintains that Instagram constitutes…

  • Supporting Consumer Decision Making

    Policy The purpose of the following policy is to provide care and support for one of the most vulnerable groups whereby enhancing their capacity for unassisted or semi-assisted living. The aim in terms of community is to develop a fully functional person who engages meaningfully in the life and activities of the local society. A…

  • Strategies for Growth and Managing and Going Global

    Starting new business ventures is not always problematic. Nevertheless, new enterprises present challenges that are significantly different from those of established corporations (Longenecker, Petty & Palich, 2011, p. 31). The complexity of a new venture and the entrepreneurs preparedness to meet the demands of the new business determine the severity of the challenges encountered. One…

  • The US Subprime Mortgage Crisis

    The US subprime mortgage has not only had an affect in the USA but also has spread across the globe. Thus, the direct risk exposure has spread well beyond the USA to Asian and European market. It has become essential to adapt a dynamic risk management tool to contain credit risk from a global viewpoint.…

  • The Regulatory Framework in United States: Historical Developments and Present Position

    Introduction The development of accounting frameworks in any country is part of its evolution process over the years. New vistas of development bring in mandatory modifications into the existing framework. As the entire economic process of a country is dependent upon its financial regulatory structures, the accounting framework is bound to be affected by such…