Category: Carbon Dioxide

  • The Truth About Global Warming

    Climate change isnt just bad for the planets health, it’s bad for peoples too. Since many people don’t believe that there is no such thing as global warming, they don’t know the effects of what could happen to them and what is really going on. Recently there has been a lot of things going on…

  • Global Warming: A View of a Climate Activist

    Global warming is highly controversial issue in this global world where each country facing environment problems and some harmful disease and illness regarding this. Saving the environment is become top most priority in the world where No country disagrees with the fact that the world is shrink into the climatic disaster. The solution is not…

  • Solution of Global Warming Essay

    The modern world faced the problem of global warming which is considered to be the growth of Earths average temperature within oceans and air. It is necessary to underline the fact that this climate change has started to develop since the 20th century and is still in a progressive state of continuation. The true causes…

  • Global Warming Challenges Solving in General Electric

    General Electric Company is a mega-company that seeks to expand its business and gain a larger share of the market. The issues of global warming due to the emission of carbon dioxide threaten the companys lucrative business of selling steam engines that use coals and petroleum products because environmentalists advised the United States government to…

  • The Amount of Carbon Dioxide Produced by Energy Drinks

    Fermentation refers to a metabolic process which consist of glycolysis plus reactions that regenerate NAD+ by transferring electrons from NADH to pyruvate. Organic molecules are converted into acids, gases, or alcohol in the absence of oxygen or any electron chain (Biology Dictionary, 2019). Fermentation occurs among specific types of bacteria and fungi that are obligate…

  • How Car Emission is Affecting Global Warming

    Global warming is experienced when the earths surface heats up and this causes the average temperature of the earth to rise, the temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans also rise. The sea level also rises with the increase in temperature of the globe and this affects the weather patterns and can cause unusual weather…

  • Impacts of Carbon Dioxide on Humans

    Now a days the major issue of the world is the enhanced greenhouse effect . The greenhouse effect is increased due to increased concentration of GHGs emissions . In GHG the most powerful gas the co2 is released from the burning of fossil fuel like coal . The coal is burned and at a very…

  • Stop Cutting Down Trees Essay

    There are many consequences for the environment of cutting down trees. Known as deforestation it has huge effects on the environment. It one very big effect is the loss of biodiversity which is a direct effect of cutting down trees. There are many reasons of which humans act out deforestation. For example is so that…

  • Carbon Cycle Analysis

    Carbon is part of our bodies but it’s also part of our current industries, therefore, Carbon compounds from history plants and algae structure the fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas, which we use today as energy sources. Hence, when these fossil fuels are burned carbon dioxide is released keen on the air, most…

  • Carbon Dioxide and It’s Impact on Climate

    This report shall define carbon dioxide, climate, Anthropocene, and the perils of stability. The report shall also discuss the impacts and importance of carbon dioxide and climate change. Carbon dioxide is defined as colourless, odourless gas manufactured by the process of blazing carbon and organic compounds. It also has a molecule that consists of a…