Category: Career

  • Career as an NFL Player: Self-Analysis

    Introduction General Being an NFL player offers considerable advantages to a person. However, at the same time it is connected with certain challenges and problems. People who want to become NFL players have to go through a lot of trainings and preparations that will make them ready for the NFL career physically and, what is…

  • Working as a Sports Agent: A Successful Career

    The aim of achieving a prominent job position is not an easy one to attain. A person who wants to become successful in his occupation should be a skilled tactician who is able to analyze all factors that will influence his/her career advancement at every stage. This will ensure maximization of his/her career advancement. Building…

  • Career Opportunities in a Cruise Ship for Professionals in the Hospitality Sector

    Cruise ships operate in the tourism and travel sector, improving the recreational experience of passengers. The vessels allow professionals from different disciplines to work for diverse clients across the globe. There are several employment opportunities which professionals in the hospitality sector could consider. For instance, there are security jobs with responsibilities entailing ensuring law and…

  • Mohandas Gandhis Career Success and Failures

    During his time under British control, Gandhi positioned himself as a spokesperson of the common people. As the leader of the Indian National Congress (INC), he was effective in his efforts to organize nonviolent resistance. He organized a peaceful resistance campaign known as satyagraha in order to pressure the British to better the situation of…

  • Career Development at the Sidra Medicine Facility

    Introduction Sidra Medicine is a world-class health facility in Qatar providing medical and research services focused on women and children. The facility introduced a career development plan to increase employee proficiency and productivity as part of a probe by the Qatari nation at large to increase and competency of workers. Career developed plan is a…

  • Aligning Passion with Expertise: A Career in Sports Finance

    Pursuing a career in sports, I would nevertheless like to connect it with my proficiency in other spheres  thus, the profession of financial sports analyst may be regarded as preferable for me. The financial analyst provides financial performance management, financial analysis and support, and financial process and reporting rigor for teams and even leagues…

  • Pharmacy: A Career Pathway

    What Led You to Pharmacy? Goals One of my main goals is to make a difference in peoples lives with the skills I have acquired. Throughout my life, I have always wanted to help save lives. People suffer from various diseases, some of which are treatable. I would therefore consider myself lucky to help save…

  • Vision and Mission Discussion: Academic Networks and Career Trajectory

    The environment in which a person studies and works can influence them and it is advantageous if the universitys mission and vision are correlated with their academic and professional goals. My professional and academic goals as a scholarly practitioner are to demonstrate a lifetime commitment to excellence in practice and constructive social development by engaging…

  • Career Planning: Arguments To Avoid

    Among the reasons that students list for going to college having a good job and earning a lot of money are the most common. In that regard, the value of knowledge as a life application is not so significant if such knowledge does not have a monetary equivalent. Thus, career planning is an important step…

  • Career Planning: Five Steps for Students to Take

    A not long time ago you were anxious about the idea to choose a college properly. Now you are a successful student and enjoy all amenities of college life. You visit classes, get a proper level of knowledge, communicate with different people, and make ready for entering a new life and becoming a grown-up. One…