Category: Career Choice

  • Why I Want To Become An Engineer

    At first ,instead of answering this question ‘Why I want to become an Engineer? ‘ I would like to tell you that I love this stream of engineering . I completely love this field of engineering and the journey I need to lead ahead to become an engineer. I went in the field of engineering…

  • Why I Want to Be an Engineer Essay

    The scientist discovers a new type of material or energy and the engineer discovers a new use for it. This was given by Sir Gordon Lindsay Glegg, British engineer. The term engineer is derived from Latin word ingenium, meaning cleverness and ingeniare, meaning to contrive, devise. Word Engineer tells us how he/she can change the…

  • The Baccalaureate Nurse At A Glance

    A nurse, in simple definition is a person trained to care for the sick or infirm, especially in the hospital. A solid definition nursing can be way more complex due to the fact that it branches into to many subcategories. One type of nurse is the nurse with Baccalaureate Education. They provide the educational framework…

  • Career Choice Research Paper

    Choosing career is most important phase in a students life. These days it is very common to find students who are confused or ignorant about their career path. Career planning is no longer an event that just end with the decision of the right university or college. It expands until we get the satisfied job.…

  • Science That Inspires Me

    My father. I know its a little of a cliche- for which l apologise – but looking back, My father undoubtedly played a major role in sparking my interest in science. He was my tutor throughout most of my primary school year, he study science in his motherland but unpleasantly different factor stopped him from…

  • Life Chances And Their Effects

    Life chances are given at the time you take your first breath. Depending upon which life chances those are can help determine what the future holds. Life chances are opportunities and those that are given range from education, environment, adequate and supportive families, employment, health care, and religion. Life chances can bring positive outcomes as…

  • STEM Career Interests

    Literature Review All over the world, youths have consistently varied in their levels of STEM career knowledge, their career interests and their intentions of pursuing a STEM career. STEM career knowledge is believed to define a student’s familiarity with a particular STEM career, varied considerably based on the learning institution’s STEM career guidance. The level…

  • The Common Reason Of Being Fired

    In this paper I am going to identify and explain the top five reasons an employee is fired and the top 5 characteristics of a successful individual and how those characteristics pertain to your dream career. According to Doyle. A (n.d.) the top five reasons why an employee is fired are (1) misconduct; (2) poor…

  • Astronomy As A Career Path

    When you look up into the night sky you can spot thousands of stars, the moon and maybe other planets like Mars and Venus. This is the working place for astronomers and astrophysicists. Their job is it to solve the secrets of the universe, collect information and try to answer important questions (Department of Astronomy…

  • Comparison And Contrast Of Nursing Career Vs. Business Career

    In our times now, nursing and business careers are very popular. Many people are taking these two degrees in college and after they giving more effort for them to be a professional nurse and business administrator. In many countries, both of these careers are in demand. All over the world, they need these two professions.…