Category: Cheating

  • Cheating in a Bottom Line Economy

    The world is in a transition period where the economy is bigger and thriving more than ever. Each economy has had hits throughout its time. Economies are systems where money is accumulated by businesses and services. Under a magnifying glass, businesses and services are not anything without the people. People who have a role in…

  • Opinion Essay on Cheating

    I Would Prefer Even to Fail with Honor Than Win by Cheating The world is becoming so dependent on the human rights concept and is gradually resulting in a morally lazy public. Unlike the human rights perspective, the idea of human responsibility originates from the declaration that all human beings are free and equal in…

  • Studies on Cheating among Students with High Achievements

    Cheating is a dishonest way to get information; 60.8% of college students admit to cheating. The Adventures of the Three students was written in 1904. Students in college cheat in many ways such as getting other students to do the work for them. Cheating has been around for many years and some staff and faculty…

  • Why Cheating Is Wrong: Argumentative Essay

    Since entering the corporate world four years ago, unethical behavior and cheating have come up as frequent topics at work. In fact, there is so much cheating in every single organization experienced, I have become interested in becoming an auditor or investigating financial crimes. These situations literally make an organization collapse from the inside out.…

  • The Standards Of Academic Integrity

    Academic integrity is one of the most important features when it comes to any type of research published or used to succeed and progress at an academic level. All the work prepared by anyone must be correctly referenced, so the ideas within the work would be correctly credited to the people who are the owners…

  • Problem of Cheating of School Administration and Teachers in Standardized Testing

    Mary Jones is the Principal of Elderberry Elementary school in Dacula, Georgia. She has been the Principal for almost 20 years. In the past five years the testing scores have gone down, and the district has been on her about what she can do to make sure the testing scores get better. When she first…

  • Pressure at School as a Reason of Cheating

    This is a topic I strongly understand and can relate to. How would you feel if you had to wake up early, get ready, go to school for 7 hours with 2 breaks, Pay attention, Stay engaged, Write essays, Sit Tests, Have friends, Work, Be with family, Do chores and sports, go to sleep and…

  • Internet Access Must be Limited for Students

    All of this internet access is taking over student’s lives. Students usually do not think about all the things they do that involves the internet. Its more than anyone can imagine. Internet access must be limited for students because of a lack of creativity and thinking, they began socializing a lot less, and it is…

  • Procrastination of Studying as a Reason of Student’s Cheating

    An immediate effect would be failing the class. Cheating on a college exam is considered a serious offense by any serious educational institution. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, each instructor takes any necessary measures they deem appropriate. The instructor has to follow the College’s policy. Frequently, what usually happens is that the student…

  • Mobile Phones Should be Banned From all Australian Schools

    Nowadays, electronic device has gone widely into the modern college and helped students with their school life. However, these devices also have their negative aspects and affect some students with their studying, including: students distraction in class, cheating during class by using mobile devices and the most serious problem, it allows cyber bullying. Therefore, mobile…