Category: Child

  • Perceptions and Discourses of Childhood: How a Childs Life is Socially Constructed in Terms of Their Development and Transition into Adulthood

    And according to the law I was damned. I had no money, I was weak, I was ugly, I was unpopular, I had a chronic cough, I was cowardly, I smelt&..but a childs belief in its own short comings is not much influenced by the facts&..I had no other authority to refer to&.but this sense…

  • Perspectives on Children and Childhoods

    I have always had an interest in children and childhood studies. I have grown up in a joint family system, hence I have had a very close contact with children from an early age. I generally get on well with them, be it family or children of other family friends, I can establish a good…

  • Child Trafficking: A Humanitarian Disaster Hidden In Plain Sight

    Pope Francis once said, Human trafficking is a scourge, a crime against the whole of humanity. It is time to join forces and work together to free its victims and to eradicate this crime that affects all of us, from individual families to the worldwide community. (Wise Old Sayings, 2016) Child trafficking has been an…

  • The Notion of Childhood as a Social Construct

    Childhood lacks a universal definition due to various shifts in child research and interpretations overtime (McNamee, 2016). Initial views of children were dominated by developmental psychologists, primarily focusing on physical development into adulthood (Wyness, 2011). Therefore, scientific research of the positivist paradigm dominated child research. Yet, the emergence of the social study of childhood, not…

  • The Reasons Why Human Traffickers Should Be Punished Heavier

    At Age 13 Beatrice moved to the USA to live with an American family. She would help with the housework and attend school. Her parents sent her to the US in hope of her having a chance at a better life. however, Beatrice found herself enslaved, and locked in a suburban home, working for up…

  • Meaning of the Term Childhood as the Happiest Period of Life

    Childhood is the time for children to be in school and at play, to grow strong and confident with the love and encouragement of their family and an extended community of caring adults. Although not everyone would agree that childhood is the best part of ones life as some children may be born under such…

  • Neglect of Girls During Childhood

    Women play a vital role in moulding the destiny of our civilization. But the girl child, very often, not only faces neglect and inequality but sometimes the gravest forms of violence. In India, in many places, traditions challenge the very existence of girl child. In spite of remarkable hue and cry about gender equality and…

  • How Modern Culture is Changing Childhood

    Abstract As the generations evolve the culture of people change as well. Many people believe that the people of today should learn to be intellectual and that this is necessary to be taught from the young ages for a child to able to adapt to the changing environments. Often this consumes a child preventing them…

  • Is Modern Culture Ruining Childhood?

    We all know that the culture now has a big difference than the old days. It is so obvious how the modern culture affects the childhood of the young generation. Now, we will discuss how the modern culture affecting or ruining the childhood of every children. The modern culture that we are talking about is…

  • Developmental Disorder of Childhood: Causes, Symptoms and Relevant Therapeutic Strategies

    Intro A popular childhood disorder becoming increasingly more accepted and acknowledged in society is down syndrome. In 2019, there was roughly a recorded case of seven thousand Irish people diagnosed with down syndrome (, 2013). On a public health system term (, 2018) they state that one of every 550 newborns can be affected by…