Category: Child Observation

  • My Experience of Observing Human Behaviour: Personal Narrative Essay

    Observations allow you to shortly see into a persons life. From observing people, you can analyze behavior to see what stage of development they are in. In my observation, I will be studying a five-year-old girl I babysit for thirty minutes in her home. She is of Caucasian ethnicity. She has light brown hair and…

  • Toys Playing Observation Essay

    Play is important for children, there are plenty of reasons why play is an important thing for children such as learning how to socialize, learning their cognition, exploring their imagination, and much more from just simply having fun. In the video ‘Cute Is a Four-Letter Word’ by Sarah Curtis she talks about how important play…

  • Developmental Psychology: Observational Report of a 2-year-old Boy

    Observational Report For this report, I had observed (S), a 2-year-old boy, the only son of a mother (M) and father (F) in their mid-thirties. They live in a HDB flat in Singapore with Ss grandfather (K) and grandmother (A). M and F leave S under the care of K and A when they go…

  • Developing The Observation Skill Of Budding Scientists

    Science is about exploring, questioning and finding answers to the things happening around us. It enhances problem solving skills, creativity and critical thinking in students. These skills help them to develop ideas, evaluate decisions and arrive at a solution for a problem in their life. It also helps them to become socially responsible citizens. In…

  • Preschool Classroom Observation Essay

    I observed a 3-year-old girl Pennylope in CDC Mission College, Santa Clara on 1 October for 1 hour 30 minutes from 10:00 am- 11:30 am on Friday. This room’s name is Sunflower Room. Its open at 7:30 am and closed at 6 pm. This center is open Monday to Friday. In this center, 14 children…

  • Kindergarten Classroom Observation Essay

    Observation Report Child’s name: Cailey LauChild’s age: 5 years 3 months Date of observation: 01-12-2021Setting: Small group Description: During small group activities, Cailey had planned to play with the material set in the science corner. She chose the balancing set. She put the paper towel tube on the table and then put the rectangular Styrofoam…

  • Observation on Public Location Essay: Sociology

    When Aiki enters the mall in his stroller he glances to his right with his mouth slightly open. This labels Aiki as an observer as he is immediately looking around the environment to interpret his surroundings, this is a clear example of visual perception. Aiki looking at his surroundings fits Gibson’s theory of perception (1972).…

  • Infant Child Development Observation Essay

    Concerning one or more examples from your reading on this module, critically assess the value of infant observation for psychoanalytic thought. Introduction Within this essay, I will be discussing the many reasons why infant observation is vital for psychoanalytic thought and psychoanalysts in general. Some of the points I will be discussing within the essay…

  • Child Field Observation in Child Care Reflective Journal Essay

    Introduction When the topic of literacy occurs, literacy is commonly associated with the learning of reading and writing. But within Early Childhood, literacy can be seen in more than just reading and writing. Early Literacy consists of children gaining knowledge about reading and writing before they achieve these milestones. Literacy can be developed in more…

  • Child Development Observation Essay

    Child Development Early Socialisation The nature versus nurture debate is probably one of the oldest debates in psychology. Genetic inheritance (Nature) and environmental factors (Nurture) are the two central explanations of human development and behavior, these include personalities and traits. For example, some children act the same way as their parents, Could this be a…