Category: Childhood Memories

  • Childhood Memories of the Birth of a Passion for Poetry

    As teenagers, we may think of poetry as synonyms of old and useless, and reading it may seem monotonous. When we read a poem, we must have problems with pronunciation and comprehension of it. Although when we hear it, we can experience a new way to approach the poem. I came from Cuba, where the…

  • Childhood Memories of Daddy’s Park

    Entering the park, remnants of my childhood memories started to re-emerge. A slight breeze rustled the leaves making them fall to the concrete ground one by one. The air was warm, and the beams of sunlight glowed onto my skin, providing me with comfort. The sounds of parents playing with their children was enough to…

  • Essay on Favourite Childhood Memories

    When recalling my childhood memories, there are many stories. Some of them makes me happy, but some of them are not good ones. Well, I grew up in Rewasa village, one of the most beautiful and scenic places in Ra, and one of my favorite childhood memories was going on a hunting trip with my…

  • One Moment with My Father That Shows My Love For Him: Narrative Essay

    Father means my creator. I am solely dependent on my father financially. But, as soon as I want to become his supporter. Generally, one thing happens to me nowadays, whenever my father has late to return home in the evening. Then, my heartbeat is extremely quick for my father. Like, I reckon to call him,…

  • Childhood Sports Memories Essay

    Life Is Nothing Short of a Game I have always been of a sporty kind since my childhood. I loved playing both indoor and outdoor games. I was very much drawn to numerous indoor board games as compared to outdoor ones since choices were both limited and costly to play full-fledged outdoor games. I observed…

  • Childhood Memories with Parents Essay

    It was finalized. We were moving. My heart dropped when I heard this news. What was better than moving away from your childhood home? Nothing. Those were my exact thoughts as my parents tried to explain why we had to move. I listened to my parents and nodded while my heart broke into a thousand…

  • My Bitter-Sweet Memory

    Eating brownies with my mom was the best bonding experience, until an unforeseen occurrence took place after my tenth birthday: I was left despising the very thing I loved the most. With me having no fondness towards cake, cookies were always a go to for my birthday parties. I felt as though I had tried…

  • Childhood Memories with Mother: Essay

    A majority of my childhood was spent with my mother, she was lucky enough to be a stay-at-home mom throughout my childhood. On the other hand, my father had a very high-stress job that required him to travel and spend long days at the office. I remember him coming home from work and instead of…

  • Childhood Memories of My Grandparents’ House Essay

    Memories seem to make or break people. They seem to bring out the most vivid emotions in people and can bring out the best and worst. Memories can make us happy or sad people, some leave us with our battle scars and make us sometimes even want to forget about the entire situation. But some…

  • Childhood Memories of My Grandparents Essay

    While growing up I realize that there are so many memories left in the past, so much that we did not pay attention to, so many moments that we had taken for granted. When my grandmother died last summer, it was the point of realization for me on how quickly life and time change. We…