Category: Chinese Culture

  • The Role Of Religion In China

    As in all ancient societies, religion was a significant factor in the culture of early Chinese dynasties. Another important factor in the development of Chinese society was the geography of the region. During the Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han dynasties, China developed two religious systems. The culture included arts, inventions, and important political achievements. China…

  • Buddhism, Confucianism And Taoism In Chinese Culture

    There are many areas to Chinese culture, and the three paths of faith have played a large role leaving a great impact on their traditions, culture and society. Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism have all brought beautiful paintings, art, sculptures and pottery. Many styles of Architecture were introduced including pagoda houses that have been designed from…

  • Confucianism In Chinese Policy: Critical Analysis

    I. Introduction, context and importance of the problem The Mongol conquest of China was a sequence of military attacks by the Mongol Empire in order to invade China territory. The Mongols were nomads which were able to grow and expand by constantly conquering more lands and adding many peasants to their army. They migrated, moved…

  • Essay on My Chinese Heritage

    There are some great things about my Chinese heritage. However, there are some negative aspects that also give me some negative feelings about my culture. The two positive factors include our strong work ethic and the teamwork aspect we have as Chinese. Part of what I have learned from my heritage is that one has…

  • Practices, Symbols And Traditions Of Chinese Culture In The Woman Warrior

    Growing up children are told stories by their parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, caretakers, and what is the most important is what is learned from the story. Whether its a moral lesson, information about the narrator, or cultural traditions, children learn from these stories theyre told from young ages. In The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a…

  • Essay on View of Human Nature in Taoism

    Many Westerners are unaware that the yoga classes they attend, the martial arts they practice, and even the yin-yang to which they refer are derived from traditions set forth by the early Indo religion-philosophy, Daoism. Although this system has had a profound impact on Chinese culture, its impact has also transcended and established its influence…

  • Strategies to Reduce the Increasing Incidence of HIV in Chinese MSM Population

    Issue China has made a substantial progress in tackling its HIV epidemic. The HIV epidemic in China is largely characterized by low national prevalence at 0.037% with certain regions having higher and more severe HIV prevalence rates [1]. The country has also made substantial progress with regards to funding its HIV response as 99% of…

  • Therapeutic Role Of The Modern Day Chinese Herbal Medicine

    Du Huo is a Chinese herbal medicine that is normally used in treatment of cold and dampness. It is a Chinese herbal medicine that is mainly found in various parts of China including Sichuan, Hubei and Anhui provinces (Zhou & Milne, 2003). The origin of this Chinese herbal medicine is the roots of herbaceous plant…

  • Pregnancy and Childbirth Traditions In Different Cultures (Western, Indian, Chinese, Brazilian, Canadian)

    Pregnancy and childbirth are arguably the most significant periods in the lives of many women across the globe. Whilst the stages of pregnancy and childbirth are consistent biologically worldwide, the traditions surrounding them, the care of both the foetus and the mother, the amount of medical intervention and gender roles all differ substantially between varying…