Category: Chocolate

  • Little Big History of Chocolate

    Introduction People all over the world love chocolate, and its history goes back more than 3,000 years to the ancient kingdoms of Mesoamerica. Chocolate has changed a lot over the years to become the sweet, decadent treat we love today. It started out as a bitter drink made from the cacao bean. From bean to…

  • Chocolate in Ivory Cost

    Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire) is located in West Africa and it is one of the worlds top cocoa producers. They produce cacao beans which are very treasurable and important for the countrys financial management and consistency. The cocoa bean is the dried and fermented seed of Theobroma cacao tree and the basic ingredient of chocolate…

  • Chocolate and Cognitive Function

    Chocolate is consumed worldwide with 7.2 million tons of chocolate being consumed in 2009 (Statista, 2015). There is a large quantity of research investigating the impacts of large chocolate consumption such as research investigating cardiovascular benefits of eating chocolate. Dietary trials have found improvement in insulin sensitivity (Grassi, Lippi, Necozione, Desideri & Ferri, 2005), blood…

  • Food Addiction to Chocolate

    Addictions are a very serious topic of discussion which has recently flooded the media. There are several types of addiction, each with a respective magnitude, and food addictions fall into this category. Food addiction is often pushed to the side by addictions deemed more detrimental by society. This accusation of food addictions not being detrimental…

  • Giving Up Chocolate Might Be Difficult

    Chocolate is one of the most liked and craved foods as it combines the sensuous feeling of melting cocoa with the innate preference for a sweet taste and creamy texture (Visioli et al., 2009). However, chocolate is often subject to a love-hate relationship as, despite how tasty and satisfying it may be, it also comes…

  • Dark Side of the Beloved Chocolate

    When most people are asked if they like chocolate they will say yes. There are more people who do than dont. This answer though is an uninformed response. As far as most people are concerned chocolate comes from the store, we are unaware of the process that gets it into the pretty packages we bring…

  • Effect of Chocolate on the Heart

    In this essay, I’m going to discuss whether there really is a relationship between chocolate consumption and heart health problems. I will formulate my conclusions based on the analysis of studies devoted to this topic. Studies Review First of all, I want to review the studies that have been conducted and highlight their results. For…

  • History of Chocolate in Europe and Beyond

    Chocolate has had an extensive history throughout Europe and beyond. Along with its base ingredient, cacao, chocolate has vastly changed in terms of use, form, means of consumption, and purposes served within society. Within this paper, a chronological depiction, analysis, and comparison with contemporary contexts will be conducted regarding chocolates origins, and its roles, significance,…