Category: Cinema

  • Films and Tourism: Antecedent Relationship

    The focal point of this paper is to present a critical analysis of the relation between films and tourism. For this purpose, the aspect of the enhanced tourism industry in China would be taken into account in the parameters of two successful movies in the US based on China. Georgette Wang and Emilie Yueh-yu Yehs…

  • The Intersection of Hip-Hop, Sport, and Movies

    Hip-hop has become one of the best-known genres in the world. Although the focus of hip-hop is on music, it has influenced many other industries. The most notable is the intersection of hip-hop, sport, and film. The connection between hip-hop and sports is in the competitiveness that both sectors have. The recent movie Black Panther…

  • Contemporary History. Schindlers List Film

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Schindlers List makes a claim for the real by blurring the boundaries of fact and fiction and leaning, at times, toward a deliberate documentary style. Schindlers List is one of the most popular movies portraying fears and distress, hardship and terrible sufferings caused by Holocaust. Schindlers…

  • The Break Up Movie: Family Conflict Theme

    Lemons and Pool Tables The movie The Break Up introduces the viewers to the couple Gary and Brooke and their ugly break up, hence making the audience comprehend how they can come to good terms with their partners after disagreements. The argument concerning lemons and pool tables is an illusion of what is taking place…

  • Chris Gardner in the Movie The Pursuit of Happiness by Muccino

    Each person sooner or later faces financial, personal, or family crises. Chris Gardner is an American businessman and public speaker who inspired the main character in The Pursuit of Happiness. This 2006 biopic, directed by Gabriele Muccino, reveals the thorny path to financial independence and social well-being. The central character goes through the family break,…

  • Madness Case: In Two Minds Film Study

    Table of Contents Utilized Artifact Challenges and Benefits Adding Value Reference Utilized Artifact Today I would like to talk about how problems in wellness can be overcome by analyzing different approaches or conducting relevant research. I will analyze the issue using a film called In two minds: Is mental illness really an illness?  madness…

  • Boiler Room: The Film Review

    Different forms of white-collar crime have been numerously depicted in films. One of the films that depicted white-collar crime is Boiler Room, a 2000 drama by Ben Younger. This paper presents a personal reflection on the film from the perspective of analyzing the depiction of white-collar crime. Reflection Paralleling the different categories of white-collar crimes…

  • The Movie King Lear: Poster Analysis

    Poster Explanation This movie poster appears dark and gloomy, representing the themes of injustice and cruelty in Shakespeares King Lear. The main symbols used in the poster are reaching hands and the Kings crown. They represent the division of the kingdom and the consequences of relationships based on authority and power. Furthermore, the storm from…

  • Why the People Crave Horror Movies

    Table of Contents Introduction Adrenaline rush Conclusion References Introduction According to Stephen King, everyone is insane to some degree though the level of insanity differs from one individual to another. Stephen Kings ethos in horror films is the key reason why many people like movies. Why we crave horror movies forms an outstanding argument written…

  • Cultural Artifact in the Legally Blonde Film

    Table of Contents Introduction Context of the Cultural Artifact Reinforcement of Social, and Power Structures in a Community Consequences and Potential Impacts of the Object Conclusion References Introduction Cultural artifact analysis is essential for ethnographic research in which case an ethnographer gets to decide what an artifact suggests or does not suggest. As a result,…