Category: Civil War

  • Causes of the Civil War Essay

    What Cause the Civil War? The American Civil War was a result of differences between the north and south to maintain their way of life, as most historians have argued. I plan to show how abolishing slavery, and economic differences between the regions played equal roles in the cause of the American Civil War. Introduction…

  • How Did Sectionalism Lead to the Civil War Essay

    From many different aspects of the pre-civil war, the era was an immense amount of tension. Both sides could utterly be deemed as greedy for wanting more territory for their own benefits but it also served economic growth in both stances. The north was prospering in immense ways with industrialization, as well as urbanization in…

  • Ulysses S. Grant Essay

    I grew up in Ohio, my family was anti-slavery and my father was a soldier, who never saw much combat. My family always wanted me to enlist as a soldier in his footsteps and so after getting my education and growing to the ripe old age of 17, I decided that I would indeed enlist…

  • How Could the Civil War Have Been Avoided: Argumentative Essay

    As Thomas Hobbes once said, Hell is the truth seen too late. In truth, many learn this lesson the hard way. Throughout our lifetimes, many see fantasy before reality, which is why philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes, along with authors such as William Golding, try to enlighten people with a new way of thought. Lord…

  • War Essay

    War has been a constant presence throughout human history, leaving permanent impacts on communities, civilizations, and individuals alike. It has stirred a plethora of emotions, stimulated philosophical discussions, and offered fertile ground for contemplation as one of the most profound and momentous human experiences. Essays on war, as windows into the human condition, provide a…

  • Daily Life Of Civil War Soldier: Routine And Distractions

    When you imagine what life as a Civil War soldier would be like you think of the things that they had to suffer through and all the pain that came with it, but what about the times when they werent fighting during the Civil War, some free time was spent with small groups of friends…

  • Post-Civil War US Reconstruction Plans: Historical Essay

    Many people have said that the Reconstruction era did not go over well and basically failed. There were 3 different plans for reconstructing the United States after the Civil War. The 3 plans were called Lincolns plan of Reconstruction, the Radical Reconstruction plan and Johnson’s plan. Abraham Lincoln had a plan for Reconstruction also known…

  • The United States’ Role In The 1994 Rwandan Genocide

    The United States involvement, or lack thereof, in the Rwandan genocide of 1994 has been a topic of much public interest and research in the last two and a half decade since the genocide. The United States is faulted for not only having failed to act appropriately to prevent the genocide, but also having failed…

  • Background And Results Of Rwandan Genocide

    The word genocide is used for describing violence against members of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group or those with contrasting political opinions with the intention of destroying the entire group. In the Rwandan genocide, members of an ethnic group known as the Tutsi were killed because of their ethnicity. Their killers were extreme…

  • Rwandan Genocide: Historical Aspect

    ABSTRACT This paper talks about the Rwandan Genocide. In April 1994 an event would take place scarring thousands of people around the world. I used this genocide to gain insight into what genocide is and why people choose to participate in them. Also, to talk about the severity of this event. The first have of…