Category: Civil War

  • The Justification Of The Rwandan Genocide

    No logic, no reason, no explanation. Just a prolonged nightmare in which fear, loneliness and the unexplainable walk hand in hand through the shadows. In a moment we will start to gather clues as to the whys the whats the whens and the wheres. We will not end the nightmare well only explain it because…

  • How Identity Construction Contributed To The Rwandan Genocide

    The Rwandan genocide began in the 2nd week of April 1994 and by the 3rd week of May 1994, about 5-10 percent of Rwandas population had been killed, mostly by the Hutus. Beneath all the propaganda and clichés lies reality- the patholigization of ethnic identities. An unbiased study and understanding of why these people died…

  • Civil War and Reconstruction

    The Civil War was the most historic and studied war in American history. It was the first step to a huge turning point in the United States, the end of a way of life that many people had to endure for way too long. With the end of the war and the victory of the…

  • What Technology Was Used During The Civil War

    The Civil War was during a time period that saw many new methods and inventions being used for the first time. The inventions were used to help quickly advance the war being over which caused more complex injuries. Therefore, medical practices had to evolve to treat these injuries and the diseases caused by poor medical…

  • The Reasons That Causes Of The American Civil War

    Slavery may have been gathered up as the motivation of the American Civil War, however, the start of the debate started in the hour of the Revolution with a weakened decentralized government under the Articles of Confederation. Later increased momentum as a regional expansion set Americans against one another on discussing whether the new states…

  • What Damage Was Caused During The Civil War

    The Civil War was the bloodiest battle to occur on U.S. soil to date and its consequences lasted long after the final bullet flew. Many argue that the South after the Civil War was in a state of despair. Many establishments, homes, schools, businesses, and many lives were lost to the violence that spread through…

  • Rwandan An Example Of The Importance Of Modernity In Explaining Genocide

    To what extent was Rwanda an example of the importance of modernity in explaining genocide? Introduction In Rwanda 1994, 800,000 to 1 million people were slaughter mercilessly in 100 days. The genocide was meticulously planned, and the larger purpose was to eradicate the Tutsi race, this was identified before the genocide had occurred. It is…

  • Reflective Essay on Harriet Tubman’s Way of Life

    Egotistical ideas that these individuals were not brave or intelligent enough to be an impactful soldier. However, ultimately they were allowed to fight, which was the force needed that allowed the Union to win against the Confederates. Tubman was exceptional. Not only was she an African American slave that escaped her bondage, but she was…

  • Reconstruction Era Essay

    Introduction Reconstruction, a pivotal chapter in American history, unfolded between 1865 and 1877, following the Civil War’s end. This era aimed to rebuild the nation and integrate freed slaves into society as equal citizens. It was marked by significant political, social, and economic challenges. The federal government introduced measures to protect the rights of newly…

  • Civil War Short Essay

    The American Civil War, which took place from 1861 to 1865, remains one of the most significant and transformative events in the history of the United States. Fought primarily over issues of slavery and states’ rights, the war had far-reaching consequences that shaped the nation’s future. This essay provides an informative overview of the Civil…