Category: Cold War

  • The Cold War and Decolonisation History

    The Cold War and decolonisation were global occurrences, and even though each event occurred independently, they ended up overlapping with time. In this context, the Cold War underscores the underlying conflict and tension between the United States and the Soviet Union starting from 1947. On the other side, decolonisation denotes the back down of the…

  • The Cold War: A New History a Book by John Lewis Gaddis

    In the book The Cold War: A New History, John Lewis Gaddis proposes a unique vision of the Cold War and its impact on the world and relations between the USSR and America. The book consists of seven chapters devoted to different aspects of the Cold War and relations between the world states. The caution…

  • The Most Significant Cold War Events

    The Cold War lasted from 1947 to 1991 as an extended period of large-scale nuclear warfare threat. Although no real battles were fought, there was intense geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States (Norwich University Online). The documented timelines can help historians determine the most critical events of the extensive conflict. The…

  • The Nature of the Cold War Between the US and the Soviet Union

    Table of Contents Introduction Nature of the Cold War Differences in their Respective Competing Ideologies Specific Issues Soviets Ultimate Failure to win the Cold War Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Following the Second World War, the US and the Soviet Union marked the most powerful countries around the world and were referred to as superpowers. However,…

  • The Role of Disney Propaganda During the Cold War

    Table of Contents Introduction Disneys Ties with the U.S. Government American Values in Disneys Filmmaking Cinema, Anti-Communism, and the Childs Responsibility Conclusion Works Cited Introduction From the 1950s until the early 1990s, Cold War anxieties profoundly affected practically every element of life in the U.S. The widespread apprehension of Soviet dominance and communism usually resulted…

  • Latin American Economies After the Cold War

    The Cold War had various effects on the countries of Latin America. One of the major impacts was the political tension between two major forces, left- and right-wing groups. The USA and the USSR two super powers aimed at increasing the zones of their influence. Thus, the USSR supported Marxist, left-wing groups, who often used…

  • Cold War Gallery. Modern System

    Cold War Gallery of the National Museum of the United States Air Force features airplanes representing the Cold War years. It reflects how the technological advances of the era manifested themselves in the form of modern systems and were adopted in modern combat. The aircraft collection is represented by a wide range of platforms such…

  • World War II, The Cold War and New Europe

    There are many various examples from the history of humanity which show that force has always been one of the main methods to solve problems at the international level. States and their leaders considered war to be the best way to enlarge the territory, achieve some advantage, or just to prove their own power. However,…

  • Was the Cold War Really a Cold War?

    The Cold War (1945-1991) was a period of political confrontations between two blocks, the Capitalist America and the communist USSR. The caution of political leaders did not obviate the risk of reckless subordinates (Gaddis 54). However, it would seem that nuclear weapons made nuclear powers tactically cautious whilst increasing the sense of strategic threat. At…

  • Analysis of the World War 1 and Cold War

    Table of Contents Causes of World War I Nature of the World War I Consequences of the World War I Origins and evolution of the cold war References Causes of World War I The First World War is among the most significant wars that have occurred in history. The battles took place in two tufts…