Category: Colonialism

  • English Colonization and the Road to Revolution

    Introduction In the seventeenth century, the political situation in the world was significantly impacted by the active position of the British Empire, which expanded its power on a global scale. It had a particular interest in obtaining the lands of North America, which is why the large territories were gradually colonized, and the rule of…

  • European Colonialism in Africa

    Table of Contents Introduction Education Health Care Infrastructure Industrialization Governance Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Colonialism refers to a governance system in which a powerful country takes control of a weak state by ruling its people and exploiting its resources for economic gain (Gann and Duignan 5). Colonials assume that they have the right to impose…

  • Colonial History of Canada: Two Viewpoints on Amerindian-European Cultures

    Throughout the years, numerous researchers and historians have studied the colonial period in the history of Canada. Most importantly, the center of the studies was the Amerindian culture. Many renowned experts have investigated the relations between the Native Americans and the French and have expressed their opinions on certain aspects of the events. This essay…

  • Colonialism and Post-Colonialism in the Middle East

    Introduction The contemporary Muslim states in the Middle East represent a wide variety of social, political, and religious structures. Currently, there are over fifty of these countries with different economic and political status, some of them being secular, religious, monarchies, or democracies. Examining the history of the development of the Middle Eastern countries can help…

  • The Decolonization Process in Asia and Africa

    Table of Contents Introduction Causes of Decolonization Process in Asia and Africa Analysis of Decolonization Process of Asia and Africa The Effects of Decolonization in Africa and Asia Summary References Introduction Decolonization refers to how colonies endeavored to become sovereign from colonizing nations in the previous decades. The process took place between 1945 and 1960…

  • Colonial Division of Labor: Rich and Poor Nations

    The problem of social inequality is deeply historically rooted. Peoples being divided into poor and rich is primarily connected with the appearance of propriety and labor division. Labor division from the very beginning includes the division of working conditions  of the instruments of labor and materials, and therefore, breaking up of raised capital between…

  • Colonialism: Impacts in Latin America

    Most historical archives of countries in Latin America will mention colonialism as a vital aspect in reshaping the democracy in their respective states. Colonialism comes from the Latin word Colonia, which means a country estate acquired by foreigners. Thus, McLean and MacMillan (2003) defined colonialism as the policy and practice of a strong power extending…

  • Understanding Settler Colonialism and Treaties Through Social-Legal Study

    Table of Contents Introduction Settler Colonialism Ghetto Colonialism Indigenous Laws The Anishinaabe Treaty Concession Conclusion References Introduction Legal laws and indigenous laws exist to guide interactions between different parties, and they can best be understood through social-legal studies. The role of legal and indigenous laws is evident through settler colonialism and treaties that helped to…

  • Overview of Colonial Education Policies

    Western schooling had been spreading quickly worldwide due to colonial practices and the process of globalization. Particular policies were used for various purposes in different settlements throughout history. The types of colonial education policies also changed over time and had determined various results from integration to complete rejection of the policy. The effectiveness of colonial…

  • Effects of Colonialism and Globalization

    Income inequality is one of the significant legacies of colonialism. During the era of colonialism, colonies were perceived to be a major source of raw materials and for the industries of the developed nations. As a result, developing countries were deprived of their resources, making it difficult for their local industries to thrive. Although colonialism…