Category: Community

  • Exploring the Experiences of the Latinx Community in West Side Story

    Hollywood has always had a problem with the way it portrays marginalized communities. This is especially prevalent in the way that people of color are often underrepresented or misrepresented. According to a study by the Media, Diversity and Social Change Initiative conducted at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, Latinos are among the…

  • Essay on the Vietnamese and Laotian Communities in the United States

    Thesis: Vietnamese and Laotian refugees were able to acculturate, but socio-economic factors in the United States caused difficulties with the process of acculturation From the 1960s to the present-day United States, various Southeast Asian communities such as Vietnamese and Laotians have greatly increased in population size. With the withdrawal of American troops in the cessation…

  • Community Essay: Fostering Connection, Collaboration, and Growth

    In a world that often celebrates individualism, the significance of community cannot be overstated. Communities have the power to bring people together, fostering connection, collaboration, and personal growth. Whether it is a local neighborhood, an online platform, or a shared interest group, communities provide a sense of belonging, support, and inspiration. This essay will explore…

  • Effects Of Individualism On Family Structure, Its Negative Impact On Both Families And Communities

    What is Individualism? Cambridge dictionary defines individualism as the idea that freedom of thought and action for each person is the most important quality of a society. It is a concept or idea or behaviour that each person should think and act independently, each person or oneself is more important than the group and one…

  • Community Values In Things Fall Apart

    Things Fall Apart, written by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe, was written in 1958. The novels plot revolves around the clan of Umofia, a culmination of nine villages on the lower Niger in Africa. The clan is quite powerful, populated, advanced, and skilled at war. Okonkwo, the main character, is praised among the Umofians. He is…

  • Overpopulation And Immigration As Global Issues Causing The Community Change

    Which global issues are causing communities to change? I. Introduction You cannot change any society unless you take responsibility for it unless you see yourself as belonging to it and responsible for changing it, said Grace Lee Boggs (Boggs, 2007). Nowadays, there are innumerable global issues that the international communities are now facing up included…

  • What Is a Community and Why Is It Important: Analytical Essay

    As part of my current practice, I am a teaching assistant working with children aged 4-7 in an infant school. My current role is within year one and consists of supporting teaching and learning in the classroom. As part of this essay, I will be looking at what a community is and why a community…

  • The Community of Human Destiny

    The ‘One Belt and One Road’ is a commonly useful and win-win opening system dependent on the important experience and revelations left over from the old Silk Road set forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013. Also this concept was mention 2017, especially by the President Xi Jinping increasingly used it for international events.…

  • What Makes Port De La Mer an Ideal Community: Essay

    Dubai offers more than just ‘glitz and glamour’, it is the ultimate playground for those young and those not so young. It also provides numerous communities that also accommodate the family-oriented lifestyle. Port de La Mer by Meraas is one of those communities targeted to create the ultimate oasis for families. In this essay, I…

  • World Community And Indian Constitution On Discrimination

    The World community has taken Human Rights and Discrimination very seriously and has not allowed any kind of its violation on any grounds. United Nations Charters Preamble states the aim of reaffirming Faith&in the dignity and worth of human person&on the same lines Article 1 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR) begins with…