Category: Corporation

  • Canadian Regulation of Multinational Corporations

    Introduction Purpose and context of the report The prime principle of globalization is featured by the interconnected holistic phenomenon. Due to globalization, the world has become a village in terms of politics, economic endeavors, and cultural interaction. Understanding the position of globalization in the Canadian society requires critical analysis of cognitive values attached to practices,…

  • Multinational Corporations Golden Global Strategy

    Ever since the dawn of globalization and the emergence of large multinational corporations, leading companies and economists have been trying to find the golden formula of success  the perfect strategy template everyone should follow if they wish to achieve success in the international arena. The consensus on what is considered best for MNEs has…

  • National Electric Corporation Review

    Statement of the problem The financial performance of National Electric Corporation had fallen short of prediction for all the quarters of 1992 as well as for the whole of the year. This was despite the fact that revenues had increased when compared to the previous year. The problem was even more puzzling to analysts because…

  • Scientific Robotics Equipment Corporations Investment

    Introduction In any business undertaking, selection of a good project is a vital step towards success. Many firms make big losses as a result of investing in projects that are not viable. In this regard, it is advisable that before any project is pursued, proper evaluation is done to ensure that only profitable investments are…

  • Great Lakes Chemical Corporation Supply Chain

    There are different companies in the globe and each produces different products. Though some companies may be dealing with similar products or services, they are differentiated. Furthermore, companies have different policies hence differentials in operation. Supply chain map is the different levels that a product goes through before reaching the market or final users. This…

  • Canbide Corporation Operations Management Tools

    Managers are the professionals who are assigned the role of overseeing the duties of every employee in an organization towards achieving mission statements. They are the people who work closely with the employees and quite often they are consulted by administrators when decisions are being made in an organization. They come up with strategies that…

  • General Materials and Fabrication Corporations Union

    Case Analysis: GMFC Impasse Nowadays, workers have the right to create labor unions to demand better salaries and worker conditions. Simultaneously, managers of companies often refuse to satisfy the demands of labor unions. The current paper considers a case of an impasse in negotiations between a labor union and the management of GMFC (General Materials…

  • Equipment Corporation Plant: Managerial Attitudes

    Introduction Digital Equipment Corporation Plant represents a unique environment marked by specific internal and external factors, culture and industrial settings. in order to give recommendations for change and redesign, it is important to analyze and evaluate the current state of affairs and possible problems affecting the management and the staff. For Digital Equipment Corporation Plant,…

  • Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations

    Table of Contents Introduction Foreign Direct Investment Multinational Corporation Conclusion References Introduction In the 21st century, global economic activities have acquired an unprecedented scope, which is enabled by rapid technological progress. Communication and transportation have become easier than ever, bringing nations closer together and promoting the international exchange of goods and services. In this regard,…

  • Ford Motor Corporation and Mexico Risk Assessment

    As a part of a team of Ford Motor Corporation, my task is to do a country risk assessment for Mexico for this year and clarify if it is reasonable to continue operating a franchise in this country. First of all, it is necessary to address the Office of the United States Trade Representative (n.d.)…