Category: Counseling

  • Marriage and Family Counseling

    Table of Contents Divorce Doing It My Way Sexuality Relationship Issues References Divorce In case the client was in my counseling room, I would first of all find out the details of irritation frustration the woman felt regarding her marriage. It is evident from her responses that she is fed up with her life and…

  • Arranging Mental Health Counseling

    I live in the state of Chicago, and in my hometown and in the immediate vicinity, there is no clinic where I could practice. This seems to me an omission of my entire hometown. In my opinion, mental support is one of the main inalienable privileges of a modern person. Concurrent psychology is on par…

  • Ethical Considerations and Counseling Skills in Therapy

    Table of Contents Maintaining Boundaries Confidentiality Human Growth and Development Counseling Theories Counseling Skills Reflection of Action Plan Biblical Worldview References Maintaining Boundaries One of the ethical issues I encountered during the practicum is lack of boundaries between a professional and a client. On meeting some of the patients at the site, I unknowingly formed…

  • Developmental Counseling and Therapy in Application

    Developmental Counseling and Therapy (DCT) is a novel approach to counseling patients that seeks to understand and help individuals grow and reform. It was developed by Allen Ivey and focuses on the uniqueness of every patient, facilitation of development and growth, cultural components of education and upbringing, encouragement of positive change, and the increase in…

  • Online Counseling: Ethical and Legal Issues

    Introduction The late 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century have been characterized by rapid advancement in technology. The advancements have made it possible to have a wide area of application of the technology. Some of the areas were thought to be never realistically possible. Among the most important and significant technology development…

  • Rational Emotive Therapy in Counseling

    Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) is an exceptionally important tool in counseling since it helps a client accurately identify self-defeating thoughts, challenge their rationality, and successfully replace them with healthier feelings. REBT primarily focuses on the present as the main task of this approach is to recognize unhealthy patterns of behavior, which lead to emotional…

  • Group Counseling Termination

    Table of Contents Steps Importance of Planning Challenges Termination Session Plan References Termination of group counseling requires many of the same skills used in ending individual counseling relationships. Group counseling typically have a set number of sessions, which makes it easier to anticipate the ending, but it is still a difficult process for group members.…

  • Counseling Services in US Education System

    Education policy consists of many components, the totality of which ensures the effectiveness of the whole process. This area includes many solutions, for example, the provision of medical services of various profiles to ensure the health of students. The purpose of this essay is to study the problems associated with advisory services in the field…

  • Analysis of A. Ahmeds Pregnancy Counseling

    Table of Contents Introduction Critiquing the Article The Level and Quality of the Evidence The Significance of the Evidence in Practice Conclusion References Introduction Pregnant women receiving specialized advice during pregnancy may be crucial to increasing the quality of their well-being throughout the childbearing process. A study by Ahmed (2016) appraises this claims verity, conducting…

  • Clinical Mental Health Counseling in Child-Centered Play Therapy

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction The State of Mental Health in American School-Aged Children The Role of School-Based Counseling The Concept of Child-Centered Play Therapy Conclusion References Abstract This research paper aims to conduct a theoretical review of literature on child-centered therapy. School-aged children are experiencing an increase in mental health issues that require the…