Category: Counseling

  • Maintaining Confidentiality and Protecting Clinical Information in Counseling

    Table of Contents Introduction Main text Conclusion Reference Introduction Protecting clinical information and maintaining the clients confidentiality is one of the most important elements of counselors ethical conduct. As Berton (2014) points out, violating confidentiality will not only ruin the clients trust in the counselor but also damage the reputation of the entire counseling profession.…

  • Counseling and the Characteristics of Helping Relationships

    Introduction Counseling is a multifaceted process that involves the creation of friendship, active listening and elevation of an individual to make a wise decision concord to his/her current challenges. In the context of counseling, counselors have a mandate to listen to people experiencing difficulties, showing genuine empathy and empowering them to solve their problems. In…

  • Advocacy in Mental Health Counseling

    Introduction In many cases, mental health conditions may impede productive communication with others. It may be complicated to stand up for personal rights and express concerns. Individual advocacy for people with mental health issues may resolve the abovementioned problems. There is a wide variety of advocacy techniques with distinct implementations, which may be beneficial under…

  • Licensed Professional Counseling in Mental Healthcare

    Introduction Licensed professional counselors are an important part of the healthcare team. Their skills are vital in ensuring that the populations mental health issues are addressed in the most effective way possible. This paper will begin by reviewing an institution primarily focused on the delivery of mental health services. The elements of professional counseling will…

  • The Role of Coordinator of Counseling

    Introduction The Coordinator of counseling performs several interactive roles in meeting the needs of faculty, students, community members as well as administrators. Each group needs the Coordinator of counseling to perform some of the functions described below. It is also imperative to note that the duties of the Coordinator of counseling are very important in…

  • Small-Group Counseling for the High-School Students

    The achievement in any academic career is well connected with a myriad of skills that originate during schooling. This is better accomplished when developments are in favor of building mental acumen. The student may also need a well-orchestrated environment to cope up with society members in order to succeed in elementary school life. A defect…

  • Aspects of Multicultural Counseling

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction In his text Introduction to Point/Counterpoint, the author talks about multicultural counseling. He is convinced that the problem of communication between different cultures appeared primarily due to the demographic growth in the United States (Brown, 1990). He notes that this issue is the most relevant for American…

  • Multicultural Competence in Counseling

    Disability is a state usually viewed as deviant by people without it and the community. Such negative attitudes are not necessarily the same as those held by people with disabilities and their families. Consequently, even well-intentioned professional counselors are subject to the impact of societal and historical attitudes concerning disability. They significantly contribute to the…

  • The Future of the Counseling Profession

    Most people could argue in support of the old saying that no one knows what the future holds. However, David Snyder has spent his entire profession trying to prove and discover that the prediction concerning the future can be calculated despite the predicament. Snyder, a futurist, based in Bethesda, reports with no fear of contradiction…

  • Ethical Issues in Substance Abuse Counselling

    Traditional ethics are often based heavily on reason, logic, and individual autonomy, with no stock put into human emotion or relationships as they can often be unstable in their permanency. Care ethics are also based on reason, logic, and autonomy, but allow emotional connections and relationships with other humans to guide decision-making when it comes…