Category: Crime

  • Nurse Robaczynskis Case: Crime or Mercy Killing?

    According to the case, Ms. Robaczynski had to disconnect her patients respirator because Mr. Gessner had no chance to survive. The nurse explains that there was a need for the mercy killing, but the opinions of experts in the field on this case tend to vary. Realizing that the actions of the nurse can be…

  • The Impact of Crime and Violence on Tourism in Jamaica

    The rapid development of international tourism and its spreading almost in every corner of the globe put sharply the problem of safety provision for tourists. It can be said that recently there was a considerable rise in the threat for tourists lives, health, and belongings. At the same time, tourism agencies as any other business…

  • Generali Group: Developments in Financial Crime

    Professional Postgraduate Diploma in GRC  Masterclass Evaluation template for Executive Summary Financial Crime and GRC Preamble Financial crime is a type of criminal behavior that occurs as a result of a confluence of economic gain-based motivationand opportunity. Financial crime or white-collar crime negatively affects nations, governments, and organizations by threatening the stability of financial…

  • White Collar Crime  Madoff Affair

    Introduction White collar fraud is best depicted in the activities of Bernard Madoff who ran an elaborate Ponzi scheme that swindled billions of dollars from unsuspecting investors. In the disguise of a stock brokerage firm, Madoff lured wealthy investors to his cage and robbed them off their billions leaving no trail of suspicion and had…

  • Terrorism as a Transnational Organized Crime

    Terrorism and organized crime have always been considered to stand among the primary security threats in any society. The possibility of their integration raises much concern, as its negative consequences can hardly be underestimated. It is evident today that the cooperation of terrorists and criminal groups is likely to have a powerful impact over the…

  • Hip-Hop and Violence: Does This Music Genre Promote Crime?

    It is hard to disagree that various types and directions of art are extremely powerful and can have a severe impact on the world and society. Artists, musicians, and activists can use music and other artistic means to express their ideas, spread awareness of different issues, and promote some values they believe in. However, while…

  • Forensics Analysis of Terrorism Crime Scene

    Introduction Terrorism uses calculated violence to generate public fear and panic to establish a specific political agenda within the general population. Terrorism is likely to be practiced by political movements with both rightist and leftist goals and objectives, religious, revolutionary, and nationalist groups, and state institutions such as police, armies, and intelligence services (Jones et…

  • World War II Atrocities: Crimes Against Humanity

    World War II was full of atrocities and war crimes committed by both sides of the conflict. The standard way of thinking about atrocities has it that it is an acts of violence breaching the laws of war, but of the cultural construction (Kramer). It implies the various perceptions of every atrocity from the different…

  • Technologies to Reduce Crime and Acts of Terrorism

    Terrorism can be met with a nonviolent, credible, and justifiable reaction if counterterrorism actions are anchored in an accountable and productive criminal justice system that upholds the values of constitutional and human freedoms. The conflict between personal confidentiality and enforcement agencies has existed in American society since long before the arrival of new media or…

  • Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeighs Crime

    On April 19, 1995, Timothy McVeigh, security guard and former U.S. Army soldier, performed the deadliest terrorist attack on the territory of the United States, which remained in this status until September 11, 2001. The bombing killed 168 people, including 19 children, and injured more than 500 (Jenkins, n.d.). The bomb detonated in front of…