Category: Critical Thinking

  • Happy Life: Critical Thinking and Ethics

    If we are to live our life in harmony with nature, what qualities must our mind have? Seneca admits that if people want to live a life in a harmony with nature, it is necessary for a human mind to have and develop several qualities. Soundness, sanity, courage, moral energy, and the ability to define…

  • Environmental Studies: Critical Thinking

    The article Impacts of the 1945 and 1995-1996 Ruapehu Eruptions, New Zealand by Johnston et al. (2000) examines the negative consequences of two volcanic eruptions and demonstrates how social and economic changes influenced these consequences. The article seems to be written objectively, without any hidden attacks on other researchers. On the contrary, the authors use…

  • Critical Thinking Tactics for Nurses

    Table of Contents Assessment Phase Diagnosis Phase Planning Phase Implementation Phase Evaluation Phase Reference List Critical thinking is a powerful tool that makes it easier for caregivers to realize their potentials. The tool encourages medical professionals to think rationally, accurately, and clearly (Gardner, 2003, p. 28). Nurses must engage in reflective thinking in order to…

  • Unveiling Truths in Nursing: A Journey from Perception to Critical Thinking

    Why do the prisoners believe the shadows represent the truth? People often accept what they see as truth without questioning it. The prisoners in the cave were limited, and their legs and heads were shackled, so their only way of perceiving reality was to rely on what they saw (Plato, 1992). They did not question…

  • Television Violence and Critical Thinking

    Table of Contents Identifying the Topic Expression of Problems and Issue Credibility of Sources Steps to Refining solutions Fostering Criticism Identifying Errors in Truth or Validity Summary of Steps Techniques to Present Topic Approaches to Topic Works Cited Identifying the Topic Violence sells; from T.V. shows to movies to reality dramas and live-action contests the…

  • Critical Thinking: Linen Management Process Analysis

    Introduction Efficient linen management in the healthcare sector contributes to quality patient care. Linen affects the healthcare aspects of hygiene, comfort and environment. The Bible in Leviticus recognizes linen as a possible carrier of infections and directs priests on how to manage contaminated linen (New Living Translation, 2004, Lev 13:47-59). Hospitals with better linen management…

  • Relationship Between Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving, Decision-Making, and Stress Management in Nursing

    In nursing practice, many care providers and leaders have to encounter high stress levels due to the nature of their work. Some patients may have critical conditions, decisions may be rather difficult, and there are a lot of situations that require increased attention and efforts. Therefore, leaders should be aware of critical thinking as a…

  • The Attributes of Critical Thinking in the Nursing Practice

    Critical thinking refers to the ability to independently and rationally estimate the actions, arguments, and other information. Critical thinking should become an unalienable skill of a person who wants to make sound decisions. As Claywell (2018) puts it, the only way to learn how to think critically is to constantly practice it. The current paper…

  • Medical Intervention in Acute Heart Failure and COPD

    Introduction Timely medical interventions have always been considered one of the major pillars in terms of successful healthcare management. However, in order to secure the interventions quality, it is of crucial importance to properly evaluate both objective and subjective data regarding the patients health condition. Thus, according to the researchers, as far as nursing interventions…

  • Nursing Values: Empathy and Critical Thinking

    The first nursing value I believe to be rather important is empathy. Only by being empathic nurses can showcase the true value of compassionate healthcare services. By applying empathy, I am able to build a relationship with the patient and understand how the latter feels (Persily, 2014). As a nurse, I should be sensitive and…