Category: Critical Thinking

  • Essay on Monsanto Ethical Dilemma

    Introduction The Monsanto Company was an American agrochemical and agricultural biology corporation which existed from 1901 until 2018. In 2008 Monsanto was acquired by Bayer as a part of the crop science division. Monsanto scientists have spent the past few decades modifying crops-often by inserting new genes or adapting existing genes within plant seeds-to meet…

  • Essay on Moral of ‘The Lottery’

    Today I will be looking at The Lottery and Married at First Sight. I am looking at a lack of morality. The lack of a moral compass is common in both The Lottery and Married at first. Morals are defined as the standard behavior and the principles of right and wrong. So here is my…

  • Essay on Laura Nash Ethical Dilemma Resolution Model

    The sample solution of the Laura Nash method helped identify the aspects of the ethical dilemma and worked through an easier way to decide on a solution by analyzing all sides of the problem. Laura Nash created a 12-step outline that is to be used when confronted with, and for resolving ethical dilemmas. In the…

  • Essay on Social Effects of the French Revolution

    Source A is highly valuable when discussing how economic factors helped lead to the French Revolution as it portrays the unfair distribution of money among the French population. The source is a cartoon created by Isaac Cruikshank, a British artist known for his use of social and political satire in his works. Cruikshank produced the…

  • Essay on Rousseau French Revolution

    Human beings have proven to be the most peculiar creatures when it comes to establishing a strong and resistant civil state that will benefit all those within a particular society. For centuries different individuals have attempted to identify the origins of human instincts. Certain individuals have inclusively taken the time to compose works of their…

  • Essay on Why Is Gun Violence a Social Justice Issue

    In recent years, gun violence has become an extremely prominent issue at the forefront of many policy discussions. The United States Congress and the American public are divided on the debate between gun control and gun rights (Wu). 36,252 persons in the U.S. died as a result of firearms in 2012. This number represents nearly…

  • Essay on Why Is Frederick Douglass a Hero

    As a historical source, what does Douglass Narrative reveal about the lives, culture, and psychological struggles of American slaves? In Douglass Narrative, he describes several different moments where he was a first-hand witness to the brutal nature and acts of masters towards their slaves. He tells several stories of real people who experienced real torture…

  • Essay on What Was Napoleon’s Role in the French Revolution

    Bonaparte is known as the most famous military leader in France. Many see the ruler as inadequate because he led to the downfall of France, but Napoleon did not only just lead armies. He was the emperor of France and created many reforms in the French government. Napoleon Bonaparte was a virtuous leader because he…

  • Importance of Educational Tour Essay

    Museums are a trend these days, as evidence we can always see or read news that gives prominence to a museum, whether its on television, an article in the newspaper, or a feature in magazines. Its so joyful to see, that once again we as Filipinos become curious and aware of our heritage in natural,…

  • How Volleyball Became Popular Essay

    Strategy/Recommendations Get more funding flowing at the grassroots level to increase participation rates for volleyball. This will increase access to the sport through increasing facilities, and availability of coaches and clubs for those that may never have considered volleyball before. Maybe a touring team could be established for a set period to travel to some…