Category: Critical Thinking

  • My Discourse Community Essay

    Embarking on the world of competitive horseback riding as a complete amateur is something that I didnt expect to do ever in my life. Of course, there were the occasional trips to the barn when I was younger and riding up to meet some horses at a county fair, but I knew absolutely nothing when…

  • Ethical Dilemma in Nursing Essay

    Defining attributes are the features of ethical dilemmas that are frequently seen and constantly present in the literature. To differentiate from the other concepts these attributes are helpful. After the literature review, at least five defining attributes are observed within the context of nursing. 1-Involvement, engagement, and professional commitment. The nurses must be involved in…

  • French Revolution: Negative Impact on Modern World Essay

    With Donald Trump becoming the 45th President of the United States in 2016, the elected leader of the free world was now a populist. In recent years, Populism has exploded back into a place of enormous importance on the world stage. Trump joined leaders such as Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey, and Rodrigo Duterte in…

  • French Revolution Political Inequality Essay

    LHomme est tellement fait pout la société quil en fait son objet favori et sa principale satisfaction » wrote Nicolas de La Mare in his Traité de la Police 1705. The police commissary who served under the reign of Louis XIV explains in this quote, taken from his works on policing strategy, that Man is…

  • Nature Vs Nurture on ‘Life of Pi’ Essay

    Bow in a mosque, kneel in a temple, or pray in a church. Just as a flower cannot bloom without sunshine, a man cannot live without a spiritual life. Yann Martels novel, Life of Pi, is an exceptional piece of literature that reinforces an individuals belief in God. Piscine Molitor Patel, also known as Pi,…

  • Why Is ‘The Things They Carried’ Banned Essay

    Postmodernism is a cultural movement that emerged after World War II. When Modernism was mainly concerned with making it new; postmodernist literature examines conventional ideas like truth and fiction, suggesting that there is no ultimate truth or distinction between the two only multiple, fragments of truth. Postmodern authors, to covey those ideas use several different…

  • Progress and Poverty in Industrial America: Essay

    Poverty is one of the major causes of illness and bad health among poor people. It limits the access of people to attain health facilities and care that they require. This provides a context that poverty and health are in relationship with each other and possess a very strong correlation among them. As the World…

  • Social Work Ethical Dilemma Essay

    In this essay, I will discuss the ethical dilemmas that may arise in health and social care settings when attempting to balance individual rights and duty of care. Ethical dilemmas arise because care practitioners are supporting individuals to live their lives the way they want to but this also may conflict with their professional duty…

  • Death of a Travelling Salesman Essay

    There are many different ways to analyze the Author Miller’s play Death of a Salesman. The critics cannot agree if the play is a Greek tragedy, a family drama, a gender study, or a morality play (Centola). Miller thought it was a Greek tragedy, CS however, the critics argued that the play did not use…

  • Essay on Were the Crusades More of a Success or Failure

    Although the Crusades failed to conquer Jerusalem and had negative effects such as death, they still had tremendous positive impacts on the Western world, such as authority, gaining information, and trading. First, after the Crusade there were about 2-6 million dead bodies found just in the Western world, which was almost about 10% of the…