Category: Culture

  • New Zealand Cultural Safety in Nursing Practice

    Introduction The sphere of healthcare is directly related to interpersonal relationships where cultural considerations play a very influential role. As a healthcare provider, a nurse must understand that their culture determines how they diagnose, communicate with patients and how effectively they can deliver culture-sensitive services to diverse populations. In New Zealand, the population is characterized…

  • Filipino Culture Values and Practices in Relation to Health Care

    Table of Contents Introduction Philippine culture as a collection of mixed practices Conclusion References Introduction The contemporary nursing care practices are oriented primarily at the provision of patient-centered and holistic care that is based on cultural competence and inclusion. In this regard, each culture represents a complex set of concepts, ideas, identities, and beliefs that…

  • Arizona Tourism: Socio-Cultural and Environmental Impacts

    Ashworth 53 states that tourism has become one of the leading ways of sustaining Arizonas economy. Just as other areas experiencing rapid tourism growth, there have been rapid developments of resorts as well as business opportunities which in total have strained both natural and human resources. Though the industry has lead to economic growth in…

  • Cultural Expressions in the Daily Life of Africans

    Table of Contents Introduction Religion Sports Music The Cultural Expressions as a Group Conclusion References Introduction Culture has a way of infiltrating into families and societies and forming bonds of engagement. They become the norms that are acceptable. The beliefs, customs, and ways of life of particular individuals or groups of families help to identify…

  • Sociological Approaches to Culture and Anthropocentrism

    Introduction Dear tree, It is regretted that the relationship between you, the trees, and us humans is existent on the master-object association. As it is, human beings are continuously cutting down members of your generation. Indeed, many of us are motivated by economic factors to obtain wood from the sapling and carve them into timber…

  • Environmental Studies: Life & Culture in the Pacific

    The journal Culture and Sustainable Development in the Pacific, by Antony Hooper describes how different cultural beliefs in the Pacific affect development. According to Hooper, culture and development are factors that are always intertwined. The relationship is affect in every aspect of life including the media and political debates. Most of the time individuals associate…

  • Homalco Wildlife and Cultural Tours Review

    Table of Contents Introduction The Homalco First Nation Community People, Water, Land Tour Great Bears of Bute Tour Conclusion References Introduction Learning about ancestors and their history is definitely one of the captivating activities for students. Historical knowledge might sometimes help to understand the contemporary world better, and it is also highly educative. Homalco Wildlife…

  • Syncretism as a Cultural Movement in the Americas

    Modern families in the United States and many other countries have uncommon blends of cultures, beliefs, and traditions, most of which appeared due to the pasts syncretistic occasions. Colonization forced people of different backgrounds to meet and combine their views, thus now, for example, American traditions include Christian and native celebrations (Shaw, 2018). This essay…

  • China Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward

    Mao Zedong, lead the Peoples Republican of India from its inception in 1949 until 1976. Being a politician and military he the Chinese Communist party into victory during the china civil war. (Terriss, 1980) During his last years in power (1966-76), Mao Zedong, the chairman of Chinese Communist Party initiated Cultural Revolution as a move…

  • The Relationship Cafe: Cultural Analysis

    The Relationship Cafe will serve the Miami area community with a mission to create a peaceful world by teaching our parents, children, and couples the life skills they need for more respectful relationships. Children ages five to seventeen, parents of children who have difficulty disciplining them, step-parents who are trying to co-parent with their divorced…