Category: Culture 657

  • The Value of Learning About Other Cultures and Communities

    Table of Contents Introduction To Study or Not to Study Greeks and Romans My Experience and Conclusion Introduction Studying other cultures is an integral part of modern education; it is subtly included in almost any program where that is possible. It is generally believed to have a positive influence on the students, and not many…

  • Multiculturalism and Cosmopolitanism

    Table of Contents Multiculturalism Relocation Cultural Membership Cosmopolitanism Reference Multiculturalism The concept of multiculturalism refers to or is associated with understanding the perception that races, ethnicities, and cultures specific to minority groups are specifically acknowledged due to their differences (Holliday et al., 2010). However, in Malaysia, being a grandchild of a Chinese immigrant, the governments…

  • The Mbuti People of Zaire

    Table of Contents Introduction Economic organization Mbuti Beliefs and Values Social Change References Introduction The Mbuti are the inhabitants of Zaire country in Africa continent. They live in the forest and are located in the interior part of the Ituri rainforest on the northern part of Zaire. The Mbuti people are pigmies with the tallest…

  • Grounded Theory and Ethnographic Research

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction Qualitative research is defined as any form of information gathering that is intended to describe but not predict, as in the case of quantitative research. Grounded theory is a type of qualitative research that suggests, based on the results of the analysis of phenomena, the phenomenon of…

  • Canada and the USA Indigenous Symbols on Team Logos

    The issue of the exploitation of Indigenous symbols and mascots in sport team logos has long been a controversial one both in Canada and the USA. It has been widely discussed in media and academic circles, as well as in educational and professional sport environments. Despite the fact that since 2005 the American Psychology Association,…

  • The Language of Discretion: Chinese

    The purpose of Tans story is to show the American interpretation of Chinese politeness. It highlights the discrepancy between American straightforwardness and the Chinese modesty. By stating that a Chinese person could not satisfy their hunger in the United States, Tans mother suggests that Americans will not see the refusal to eat an offered meal…

  • American and African Weddings Comparison

    Table of Contents Introduction Age of Marriage Wedding Ceremonies Marriage Rules Change of Wedding Traditions Conclusion References Introduction A wedding is one of the most ancient ceremonies of humankind, held differently in various corners of the planet. Each country in the course of historical development sets its own rules, habits, and features of wedding ceremonies.…

  • High-Context vs. Low-Context Cultures

    The theory that divides cultures into high-context and low-context was developed by Edward Hall. It is based on the difference between the use of verbal and nonverbal communication, and particular importance is given to the context during the interaction. At the same time, it is essential to realize that there are no cultures that belong…

  • Indian Wedding Vs. American Wedding

    Introduction A major characteristic of different countries and religions is that they have varying traditions. However, some traditions and events are universal to the human community. One tradition that is common among all countries and religions is the wedding ceremony. Great importance is placed on this event and it entails various celebrations and rituals that…

  • The United States as a Land of Opportunities

    The establishment of New World colonies saw America rise as a Democratic nation providing equal opportunities to its citizens irrespective of their background. However, these sentiments are contrary to the notions and ideas of several scholars terming the USA as a nation with few educational opportunities but with a high level of discrimination challenging any…