Category: Dance

  • Why I Want to Be on the Dance Team Essay

    Dance transcends being a mere pastime, evolving into a fervor that fuels one’s spirit. The dynamism, cadence, and motion of dance serve as a global means of articulating emotions and uniting individuals. As an avid dancer, the prospect of joining a dance team represents the realization of a long-held aspiration. The exhilaration of performing and…

  • Self Evaluation Essay for Dance

    PHE hall, I was teaching my teammates my 7X8 dance with a typical workout. I had stretching and march. Everyone in my group had 15 minutes to explain their dance to the group. Everyone in my group managed to present their dance and their exercise to my group and everyone also managed to dance everyones…

  • The History Of Jazz Dance

    People have their own opinion on how and where Jazz dance originated from, but truthfully it actually originates from Africa. The Jazz dance that we know today is the evolved vernacular dance style of Africa. Very early versions of Jazz dance date back to the slave trade. America would take people from Africa to come…

  • Essay on Father of Jazz Dance

    The style of Jazz was developed during both the 19th century and 20th century and it radically altered the style of American and European stage and society in the 20th century. On the stage, the minstrel show performers, who were white people who would paint their faces black and they would perform, comedic skits, variety…

  • What Is Dance Essay

    There are many individuals out there with wonderful talents. Some people in this world can move their bodies in unimaginable ways while others have intellectual minds that can solve almost any problem they come face to face with. There are many possibilities out there, in which, people can use their talents to show who they…

  • Essay on Alvin Ailey Dance Style

    Racism is an issue that has long been influential in almost every field of work in the wWesternworld and dance is not excluded from this. Two choreographers who fought the stigma against people of color in dance are Jose Limon and Alvin Ailey. They are two influential choreographers who transformed the face of dance. Both…

  • Why I Love Dance Essay

    We as a whole love to do and learn new aptitudes to show signs of improvement. Each individual on this planet has a leisure activity which they like to appreciate and keep as a hobby. Dance is something other than getting fit, it’s an expandable art form to show your passion. I increased my dancing…

  • What Does Dance Mean to Me: Personal Narrative Essay

    Seven years ago, I made the best decision of my life. When I was ten years old I decided to quit soccer, tumbling, cheer, and guitar lessons for the one sport that would change my life. Now that I am seventeen years old, I still pursue this sport and will continue to love it, as…

  • Descriptive Essay on Festival Dances

    Festival dance is a cultural dance performed to the strong beats of percussion instruments by a community of people who share the same culture, generally performed to honor the patron saint or as a thank-you for the rich harvest. Festival dance can be religious or secular in nature. However, the best thing about the festival…

  • Hip Hop Dance Essay

    In our society today several dance styles exist but the Hip Hop dance has stood out probably because of its popularity or its influence. Hip-hop represents a specific culture, here we will find out where this style originated from, the people it belongs to, and how it has evolved over the years. To give a solid…