Category: Democracy

  • The Vulnerability Of Democracy In Lord Of The Flies

    Democracy is a system of government where the leading part is chosen by the people to govern society. Democracy works on principles such as freedom of speech, judiciary, and law and order. When these principles are targeted, democracy is threatened and starts to erode. This was seen in the 1930s when Germanys democratic government fell…

  • The Vulnerability Of Democracy In Lord Of The Flies

    Democracy is a system of government where the leading part is chosen by the people to govern society. Democracy works on principles such as freedom of speech, judiciary, and law and order. When these principles are targeted, democracy is threatened and starts to erode. This was seen in the 1930s when Germanys democratic government fell…

  • Media Freedom and Democracy Essay

    Democracy has become a keyword in international debates about politics in various parts of the world. Lack of democracy is widely viewed as the root of the issues that plague some societies. Inherent in the concept of democracy is the certainty that people should be allowed to participate in making decisions about how they are…

  • Is Social Media Good for Democracy? Essay

    The development and expanded commonness of social media all around the world has given individuals a stage to take an interest all the more effectively in democracy. This had made social media platforms an integral asset of articulation for a democracy. Social media has become an expansion of our lives. Everybody has a nearness via…

  • Importance of Democracy Essay

    Abstract E-word of mouth has become a global phenomenon, solving problems online users are concerned. It can make a change for transnational issues. Some critics insist that online wisdom cannot replace the existing establishments even in a democratic state. According to Scholte (2012), there has been a paradigm change to global democracy because globalization is…

  • Platos Attack On Democratic Politics

    The idea of a democratic system started in Athens around 550 BCE; this system of government was intended to be a direct democracy where every citizen would have the opportunity to vote on every piece of new legislation. This new form of government allowed the ordinary Athenian citizen, the none-aristocrats, who had political ambitions to…

  • Democracy Pros and Cons Essay

    We all live in the United States a country a freedom, a country of democracy, living in a democracy has many good and many bad factors although other systems are less desirable it is important to know democracies flaws. Starting out with whats good with democracy and explaining what a democracy is. Living in a…

  • Narratives on the Evolution of Democracy

    Democracy in the United States has been in a constant state of change. To this day, Democracy is still evolving to fit the times. New laws passed, old laws challenged or abolished, and ideas constantly being shared. Currently we get most of our current information about these changes from news media, but in the 19th…

  • Democracy and Participation

    The source discusses the view that UK democracy is in crisis, and argues that, in some aspects, there does seem to be evidence to suggest that the UK is experiencing something of a participation crisis, due to a decrease in public confidence and a lower voter turnout in the past few decades. On the other…

  • Democracy vs Totalitarianism Essay

    Totalitarianism is a form of government that exercises complete political, economic, social, cultural, and spiritual control over its subjects. A charismatic leader, or dictator, who controls the one allowable political party, usually heads it. This form of rule requires complete subordination of the individual to advance the interests of the state. People are made dependent…