Category: Desire

  • Theme Of Desire In The Great Gatsby, The Flea And Sonnet 116

    In literature, Desire is often manipulated by writers and poets in order to build their characters and story, as can be seen in Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby and Donnes The Flea. However, much like how the former two pieces use desire to subvert what are commonly seen as more powerful themes such as religion, desire…

  • The Odyssey: Where Does Necessity End And Desire Begin?

    What makes a society civilized? This question has been asked for thousands of years but it can never be truly answered because of many conflicting opinions and influencing factors. Yet its still a widely discussed and debated topic, that is popular in literature. Odysseuss adventures in Homers epic poem, The Odyssey, portrays his idea of…

  • The Desire In The Great Gatsby And Great Expectations

    Introduction to Desire in ‘The Great Gatsby’ and ‘Great Expectations’ The obsessive nature of desire is explored within both The Great Gatsby and Great Expectations with Fitzgerald and Dickens portraying this desire through: wealth, love and also self-advancement, within their novels. These concepts are devised throughout both novels in different ways. In The Great Gatsby,…

  • The Free Will Problem and the Hierarchy of Desires

    In the problem of free will, the higher order theory exists as an attempt to defend compatibilism. Even if all of our desires are derived causally from the laws of nature, some philosophers argue that we still have free will if we have the ability to form desires and the agency to act on these…

  • Jane Eyres Passion, Sexuality and Desire

    Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre created quite a stir when it was published, under a false male pseudonym, in the mid 1840s. This novel introduced the idea of the individualize women and how feminism was shifting throughout this time. She explores the undermining sexual innuendos hidden in Janes actions throughout the Victorian Era. From orphanhood to…

  • Analysis of Sapphos Fragment 31 in the Light of Jealousy, the Triangle of Desire and Erotic Longing

    He appears to me, that one, equal to the gods the man who, facing you, is seated and, up close, that sweet voice of yours he listens to Lacking the firm consensus present in the poem, Sapphos Fragment 31 is one of the most complex poems to interpret. The narrator watches a man, seated across…

  • Feelings And Emotions Effect On Motivation

    As we move through our daily lives, we experience a range of emotions. Emotions are often labelled as feelings, they represent a subjective, affective state that is comparatively strong and that happens in response to what we encounter. Motivation is viewed as something that stimulates an individual to perform and act in a certain way…