Category: Deviance

  • Deviance And Criminology: Article Review

    1. Howard S. Becker- Labeling theory Labeling someone as a criminal can cause other to treat them more negatively. The person may act more negatively if they are being treated negatively. In this theory, I can understand better about deviance and criminal behavior. Deviance refer to rule-breaking behavior which is the recognized violation of cultural…

  • White Privilege in Crime and Deviance and the Mark Those Crimes Leave on Non-White Lives

    Abstract White privilege is a topic that has picked up quite a bit of both positive and negative attention in the past few years, many claim that it does not even exist but that is only because it can be hard to recognize. Looking at examples like the controversy around the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Rally…

  • Social Deviance In Vice Careers And The Savior Mentality

    I have never really thought about the concept of social deviance before taking a class called Social Deviance & Taboo in University. Taking this class opened a whole new world to me in exploring all the different sides of social issues I have never really thought about from various perspectives. I view social deviance &…

  • The Concept of Deviant Behavior and the Society

    Many individuals in todays society wonder what pushes people past a breaking point in which they become involved in actions not accepted by society, such as stripping, prostitution, drug use, alcoholism and more. The reasoning behind this is deviance. Deviance can be either positive (over conforming) or negative (under conforming). When applying the subject of…

  • The Relationship of Deviance and Crime

    In the documentary, Crips and Bloods: Made in America, the history of gangs and gang violence are explored, as well as how they came to be. We see the different paths, especially in African American culture, that led to the present-day existence of gangs and gang affiliates. In the documentary, they interviewed individuals, specifically African…

  • Causes And Types Of Workplace Deviance

    Introduction In the past years we have witnessed an increase in the unethical behavior displayed by employees working in organizations, behaviors such as theft, treating coworkers badly, not giving their best working and so on. These behaviors are a massive concern for everyone around the globe. Workplace deviance The workplace deviance means action desire to…

  • The Theories And Construction Of Deviance

    Strain Theory Strain theory helps to define and explain deviance because it relates the lack of resources with the acts one performs to help them live. Meaning, if someone has to do something illegal or against the grain in order to get food on the table or an income or something to help their livelihood,…

  • Obesity as a Form of Deviance

    Introduction Deviance is defined as any action, belief, or human characteristics that members of a society or social group consider a violation of a group norms for which the violator is likely to be censured or punished. (Ritzer, 2016). As such obesity can be seen as a form of social deviance. The reason being in…

  • Correlation Of Deviance And Crime

    Deviance is a path taken away from the social norms of certain societies. Deviant people tend to commit illegal crimes that are against these norms. Some people view certain crimes as deviant, while others may not. Crimes can be separated into two different categories, deviant and non-deviant. Non-deviant crimes are crimes that, although may be…