Category: Diet

  • Resistance Training and a Diet-Induced Weight Loss



    The objective of this article is to determine whether resistance training can conserve fat-free mass and resting energy expenditure under a diet-induced weight loss. In normal circumstances, fat-free mass is known to decrease under diet-induced weight loss of approximately 7kg or so. The decrease of fat-free mass is normally accompanied by a decrease in resting…

  • Plant-Based Diet vs. Meat Production



    There is almost no industry that causes no damage to the environment. Meat production is one of the business activities that hugely contribute to climate change. Despite society is moving toward more conscious and responsible consumption, nature-harmful tendencies do not disappear. Switching to plant-based diets can improve the environmental problem in the world, though such…

  • Track Your Diet: Diet Observation and Nutritional Choices



    Past Diet Observation Since my last weeks overall food tracking average of calorie intake is more than 2000 calories per day, I have set my proposed plan to be based on the 1800-calorie allowance. My last diet routine analysis made me realize that I did not take proper vegetables, fruits and grains. My diet remained…

  • The Relationship Between Low Calorie Diet Intake and Longevity



    Contents The Relationship between Low Calorie Diet Intake and Longevity Mechanisms of Calories Restrictions Metabolic rate hypothesis Eat less live longer Calorie restriction evidences Decreased food intake Dietary restrictions Benefits of calorie restriction Works Cited The Relationship between Low Calorie Diet Intake and Longevity Calories restriction (CR) is a new medical revolution concept developed with…

  • Fad Diets and Their Dangers for Mental Health



    Table of Contents Introduction Dangers of Fad Diets Diet and Mental Health Conclusion References Introduction Because the epidemic of obesity in the USA has not been eliminated, the debates about developing healthy and effective diets still occur. Fad diets have emerged as a miraculous tool for quick and easy weight loss. There are lists of…

  • How Diet Soda Intake Increases Waist Circumference of Older Adults



    The article by Fowler, Williams, and Hazuda was published in the Journal of the American geriatrics society and seeks to address how diet soda intake is associated with long-term increases in waist circumference in a bi-ethnic cohort of older adults. As a result of obesity being linked with cardiovascular diseases, the article tried to establish…

  • Diet Patterns: Healthy Nutrition



    This summary examines my diet patterns concerning the recommended values as well as considers adjustments to achieve a healthier diet. An imbalanced diet was identified as the major cause of death and the third-leading factor of disability-adjusted life-year loss in the United States (Mokdad et al. 1444). It is critical to consume the proper nutrients…

  • Fad Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages



    A fad diet is a quick weight loss plan that promises results that are typically unsustainable in the long run. It permits eliminating an entire food group or a strict decrease in ones intake of a particular food category. In an era where it is easy to gain weight because of unhealthy eating, people are…

  • Low-Carbohydrate, High-Protein Diet& Study by Nilsson et al.



    Unhealthy lifestyles and habits may result in increased rates of overweight and obesity, requiring people to follow various diets. As noticed by Nilsson et al. (2013), one of the most popular dietary patterns is to reduce carbohydrates and increase protein and fat intake. Since the short- and long-term effects of such a diet on peoples…

  • Obesity Treatment: Surgery vs. Diet and Exercises



    Table of Contents Introduction PICOT question Background Methodology Literature Review Conclusion References Introduction The modern health care sector faces numerous problems that result from the significant alterations of peoples lifestyle. These are conditioned by the rise of technologies and their implementation in different spheres of human activity. The exploration of new devices has an overwhelming…