Category: Disaster

  • Disaster: Typhoon in Philipines

    A typhoon in the Philippines happened in 2020 and resulted in 42 deaths and millions of dollars in the lost property (The World Bank, 2020). Globalization might have contributed to this disaster because Touimi and Wagner (n.d.) note that developed states benefit significantly from this phenomenon economically. At the same time, developing countries struggle to…

  • Hurricane Vince: The Tropical Cyclone

    Table of Contents Introduction About Hurricane Vince Conclusion Works Cited Introduction From a meteorologists viewpoint, one can say that continental Europe is a calm and strange place. It is mainly because major hurricanes are not common in European countries (Lau et al. 8). Various tropical cyclones and subtropical ones are a rarity here, especially in…

  • Emergency Management: Building Disaster-Resilient Communities

    The textbook Emergency Management exemplifies the opportunities available currently in regard to building disaster-resilient communities to strengthen emergency management in the US. Namely, the proposed actions include the utilization of 1% of the budget of the Department of Defense (DoD) towards mitigation actions to its facilities (5), focusing on local funding sources (1), risk identification…

  • Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans

    Hurricane Katrina made landfall in New Orleans, on the United States Gulf Coast, on August 29, 2005, leaving a path of devastation and flooding in her wake. Katrina claimed the lives of over 1,800 people and inflicted more than $100 billion in damage (Groen et al, 2020). Because of the inundation, the city of New…

  • Researching of Record-Breaking Floods

    Table of Contents Largest World Flood Record-Breaking Flood in the USA Georgia Flood, 2009 Works Cited Largest World Flood Floods are natural disasters, usually caused by excessive precipitation, leading to severe consequences. It is believed that the most significant flood in the world occurred in 1931 in China, and its victims were more than 4…

  • Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand

    Table of Contents Introduction The Earthquake in Christchurch Conclusion Works Cited Introduction There have been a lot of notable earthquakes in the documented history of humanity, even more  before that. While some descriptive information about earthquakes was written down by humans thousands of years ago, the phenomena were not understood until 19-20th centuries. This…

  • Aspects of Hurricane Irma: Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Preparations for Irma Response to Irma Conclusion References Introduction The current essay examines Hurricane Irma and the responses of the country, state, and particularly Monroe County to the disaster. Irma was one of the most powerful hurricanes that occurred on the territory of Florida in the 20th century. More than a…

  • Earthquakes Preventions in USA and Japan

    The article clarifies the issue of earthquakes in the United States, investigate the weaknesses of the American system, and explore the benefits of the Japanese technique that the government should implement. An earthquake is perhaps one of the most extreme natural disasters that may cause tremendous damage to the infrastructure in a short period. Besides…

  • The Hurricane Katrina: Consequences

    Introduction Natural disasters encumber economic and social growth since they destroy resources that are hugely depended on by a given society. While some of the disasters are unpreventable, the governments and all stakeholders have taken steps to counter their negative impact. Hurricane Katrina is one of the unprecedented disasters that led to deaths and the…

  • FEMA Assistance to Man-Made and Natural Disasters

    Introduction The Federal Emergency Management Agency can provide financial assistance and, if necessary, direct services to eligible individuals and families who, as a result of a large-scale natural disaster, have incurred expenses. FEMAs programs are focused on meeting the immediate needs of victims and their families and helping them take the first steps toward a…