Category: Discrimination

  • Sexual Discrimination in Olympic Speed Skating

    Introduction Eradicating old and unfair eligibility procedures and phrases that unjustly distinguish males participant capabilities from females capabilities contribute to attaining sexual equality during skating. The social construct that people should not be given prevalence by being members of the pampered gender needs to be applied in sports (Sarah, 2011). Discarding gender variations is not…

  • Racial Discrimination in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

    In this story, Douglass narrates the experiences he had as a slave before escaping to New York. He was born in slavery and remembered the name of his mother as Harriet Bailey. At a very tender age, he was able to realize that he was different from his White peers. He noted that the children…

  • Doping: Racism and Discrimination of Athletes

    This chapter in the book offers a broad overview of the current problems in sports; among others, racism stands out in its various structures. First, the identification of stakeholders in the organization of sports activities is given to determine the most optimal management decisions that take into account the identified interests. The specifics emerge as…

  • Impact of Anti-Racism Campaigns in English League Football

    Despite the efforts to eliminate the phenomenon of racism from the sociocultural context of the contemporary global environment, it persists and continues to produce a detrimental effect on lives of racial minorities. Racism trickles into every facet of peoples lives, causing members of ethnically and racially diverse communities to experience challenges and injustice. Anti-racism campaigns…

  • Rasism in the USA: Personal Experience

    Table of Contents Introduction Personal experience Conclusion References Introduction Americans are busy languishing in their comfort zone assuming the realities of our way of life that make us unique all over the world. It is not something that we wish in our society it is just how it is. This is a country that was…

  • Ableism and Student Segregation in Georgia Schools

    The US Department of Justices investigation showed that the state of Georgia was illegally segregating students with disabilities. This problem was present for a long time, as it led to at least one case of suicide among children ten years ago (RBS NewsHour, 2015). The student was kept in a seclusion room for solitary confinement…

  • Health Care Policy: Eliminating Systemic Racism

    Introduction The selected policy is Assembly Bill A5679A, first introduced in February 2021 in the New York State Senate. In December 2021, it was signed by the governor, and it became law at the beginning of 2022 (The New York State Senate, 2021). The current bill concerns the global and national issue of racism in…

  • How is Systemic Racism Becoming a News Spectacle?

    Table of Contents Introduction Body Completeness Body Development Conclusion Documentation Introduction Your opening has a hook for the readers and contains a well-developed thesis. I would advise mentioning who George Floyd is briefly to clarify the person for readers who might be unfamiliar with him. Judging from your introduction, it seems like you tend to…

  • Shifting Disease Burden and Age Discrimination

    One of the humans greatest achievements is the vast improvement in healthcare that has increased peoples lifespans. However, rising health and social care costs due to an aging global population are considered a danger to global economic growth in the twenty-first century. Old age is associated with the weakening of the body, making it susceptible…

  • Gender-Based Discrimination during Surgical Training

    Table of Contents Part 1: The One-Sentence Summary Part 2: The One-Paragraph Summary The Multiple-Paragraph Summary My Reaction Reference Writer background: All authorsAdrienne N. Bruce (School of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA), Alexis Battista (MedStar Health Research Institute, Hyattsville, MD, USA), Michael W. Plankey (School of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington,…