Category: DNA

  • Detection of Pathogens With Cell-Free Dna



    The significance of DNA, in addition to gene transfer, is due to its compact and precise form of storage. Unfortunately, as human beings age, DNA is stored less correctly, as shown by simple blood samples. Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) found in the blood, that is, DNA released into the bloodstream by suppressed cells, stores information about…

  • DNA Technology And Society



    New technology is being used and integrated into society in the area of forensics using DNA. A profile of an individual is created when any physical traces are left behind at a crime scene, like blood, tissues, hair, or anything else harboring DNA. All of this information gets compiled, organized, and stored on computers to…

  • Homosexuality And Genetics



    Homosexuality has turned as significant issue in our community abundant argument. The choice to be transparently homosexual is stiff for some due to the uncommon approval that they get. Society undergo made it so difficult for homosexual people to be approved, given the bias against them. The justice that have extract from homosexual, have prompted…

  • Is DNA Database an Ethical Issue?



    In an ideal world, we would walk freely knowing we aren’t being tracked. However in our reality more and more people get entered to a DNA database everyday. DNA profiling is a technique in which the police compare DNA found at the crime scene to someone else DNA from the database to see if they…

  • Homosexuality And Genetics



    Homosexuality has turned as significant issue in our community abundant argument. The choice to be transparently homosexual is stiff for some due to the uncommon approval that they get. Society undergo made it so difficult for homosexual people to be approved, given the bias against them. The justice that have extract from homosexual, have prompted…

  • The Ethical Consequences Of Newly Developed DNA Tests On Individuals Privacy And Security In Society



    Abstract This paper examines the negative ethical consequences that newly developed DNA tests have on individuals and their privacy within society. Although DNA testing has beneficial uses, there are a wide variety of negative effects in using, unregulated at home testing kits known as LTDS. Many companies do not have clear privacy policies for customers…

  • How DNA Evidence Has Assisted The UK Criminal Justice System In Identifying Defendants



    Introduction This project will be discussing how DNA evidence has assisted the UKs criminal justice system in identify defendants that are involved in crimes, and to what extent has it done so? To be able to answer this question, the historical side of DNA evidence will need to be highlighted and what developments have been…

  • The Discovery Of DNA, Communication And Collaboration



    Communication and collaboration are vital in scientific research and for scientists to effectively communicate has a deep history in the discovery of DNA. The winners of the noble prize, James Watson and Francis Crick, are hotly debated in science, if Rosalind Franklins data was stolen by them and that sexism was in science to discredit…

  • The Discovery Of The Structure Of DNA



    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a self-replicating material which is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information. DNA was discovered in 1860. The molecule now known as DNA was first identified in the 1860s by a Swiss chemist named Johann Friedrich Miescher. Johann set out…

  • Biosafety Issues Of Unintended Horizontal Transfer Of Recombinant DNA



    Evolution of Herbicide Resistance Weeds On a large geographical scale, many independent evolutionary events could simultaneously interplay for the emergence of herbicide resistance (Bonny, 2016). Regular use of glyphosate on a considerable proportion of GM crop fields makes the assumption of glyphosate resistance development a reasonable hypothesis. It is not mandatory for weeds to be…