Category: Domestic Violence

  • Domestic Violence Study and Lessons Learnt

    Table of Contents The rationale for Topic Selection Research Skills Description Effects of Peers Feedback Understanding Other Viewpoints New Writing Strategies References The rationale for Topic Selection Despite numerous endeavors to address the instances of domestic violence, the current situation with abusive relationships remains drastic. According to global statistical data, in 2017, approximately 35% of…

  • Nursing and Midwifery Recognizing Domestic Violence

    Table of Contents Introduction, Problem, and Purpose Hypotheses Literature Review and Theoretical Framework Methods Study Sample, Strategies, and Variables Reliability, Significance, Measurement Tools, and Validity Data Analysis, Limitations, and Implications for Practice Conclusion and Usage References Introduction, Problem, and Purpose The article Are We Failing to Prepare Nursing and Midwifery Students to Deal with Domestic…

  • Involving the Health Care System in Domestic Violence

    Introduction Title Involving the Health Care System in Domestic Violence: What Women Want. Based on the topic, Usta, Antoun, Ambuel, and Khawaja (2012) are likely to discuss the strategic role of health care professionals in tackling the problem of domestic violence in order to ease the suffering of women. Also, they are likely to point…

  • Nurses Help and Policy for Domestic Violence Victims

    Table of Contents Description, Background, and Stakeholders Issue Statement Literature Review Methods of Addressing the Issue Goals and Options for Changes Evaluation Methodology Personal Perspective and Practice Recommendations References Description, Background, and Stakeholders The role of a nursing care provider encompasses many types of support for patients that ensure that not only the patient receives…

  • Nurses Caring for Domestic Violence Victims

    Caring for victims of domestic violence is associated with some challenges because many cultures maintain beliefs, norms and social institutions that legitimize and therefore perpetuate the violence (Angelo, Prado, Cruz, & Ribeiro, 2013, p. 585). According to Angelo et al. (2013), to treat a victim of domestic violence, a nurse should have appropriate skills and…

  • Abusive Relationships and Domestic Violence Treatment

    The issue of abusive relationships, manipulative behavior, and domestic violence in contemporary society could hardly be overlooked. These problems manifest themselves in various forms, and they influence diverse spheres of social interactions. One of the most apparent examples of how exposure to abusive relationships can have adverse outcomes is the nurse practitioner who experienced abuse…

  • Mental Health and Domestic Violence in Bangladesh

    This article investigates the experiences of pregnant women in rural Bangladesh that are exposed to lifetime domestic violence (DV). According to the study, the research on this subject is scarce, and the connection between the mental health of pregnant women and domestic violence is rarely discussed. Researchers try to find a correlation between the type…

  • Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence Intervention

    Table of Contents Dynamics of Partner Violence: Psychosocial and Cultural Psychological Factors Cycle of Violence Intervention Strategies: Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological References Dynamics of Partner Violence: Psychosocial and Cultural Intimate partner violence (IPV) is the imparting of harm in relationships, often through physical force or psychological abuse, which may range from gaslighting and emotional manipulation to…

  • Abuse in Purple Hibiscus

    In the novel Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie the main character Kambili and her family goes through the motions of domestic violence. Domestic violence is a very serious issue that people have to go through everyday, according to statistics Nearly 1 million women experience at least one incident of domestic abuse each year (Starmer)…

  • Influence of Domestic Violence on The Ongoing Struggle of Homelessness

    Introduction Hook: According to the U.S. Conference of Mayors 2013 Status Report on Hunger & Homelessness, 16% of homeless persons are victims of domestic violence. Furthermore, approximately half of all homeless women reported that domestic violence was the primary cause of their homelessness ( Relevance: Domestic violence puts women and children at a higher risk…