Category: Drama

  • The Glass Castle’ Reading Essay: How Does Jeanette Learn to Read in The Glass Castle

    After dinner, the whole family stretched out on the benches and the floor of the depot and read, with the dictionary in the middle of the room so we kids could look up words we don’t know…Occasionally, on those nights when we were all reading together, a train would thunder by, shaking the house and…

  • The Glass Castle’: Critical Essay

    While reading The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, I fell in love with how the book was centered on Jeannette Wallss real-life struggles. The one theme that stood out to me the most throughout the story was forgiveness. Even though Jeannette and her siblings were neglected on a daily basis as children, she harbored no…

  • The Glass Castle’ Symbolism Essay

    Introduction Symbolic interaction theory is a sociological theory that explains the importance of the meaning we attach to our communications with others. The theory describes the ways people interact with each other, the meaning people attach to those interactions, and furthermore, how those meanings shape our individual selves and society (Rogers, 2016). The theorys focus…

  • Critical Essay on Quotes from ‘The Glass Castle’

    Within the novel Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, the father-daughter relationship displayed between Rex and Jeannette Walls is a complex one. A large portion of Jeanettes childhood is represented throughout the novel. During her childhood, Jeanette experiences constant wondering about her fathers presence and accountability. Additionally, a large sum of tragic events is also present.…

  • The Scarlet Letter: the Blessing of Pearl

    All children bless their parents in their own unique way. Hesters only daughter Pearl continues as a true blessing in Hesters life. Hester the wearer of the Scarlet letter is punished for committing adultery with the minister. The setting in the book takes place in the 1600s Boston in a Puritan society so the people…

  • Figurative Language in The Glass Castle

    Becoming successful requires hard work, but is putting in the hard work worth it? In the novel The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls, the author is born into poverty and then grows to be an award-winning author proving that hard work results in success. A big role in Jeanettes path in life and her view…

  • Symbolism of the Joshua Tree in ‘The Glass Castle: Critical Essay

    The Joshua Tree symbolizes the strength and beauty of something and the struggles are what give it its beauty. Jeanette and her family were driving and she looks out to the window and she saw a tree standing at an angle it was growing sideways which shows that this tree is unique and different. From…

  • Metaphors in ‘The Glass Castle’: Critical Analysis

    I had never heard of chewing gum, so she went out and got me a whole pack. I pulled out a stick, took off the white paper and the shiny silver foil under it, and studied the powdery, putty-colored gum. I put it in my mouth and was stunned by the sharp sweetness. ‘It’s really…

  • Imagery in ‘The Glass Castle’: Literary Criticism Essay

    Symbolism, imagery, and characterization are used to show the decay of parenting as shown in The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. To be considered a bad parent; a person lacks emotional and physical appearance to a child, to express a feeling of absence. Bad Parenting is the act of not showing the responsibilities that should…

  • The Glass Castle’ by Jeannette Walls: Analytical Essay

    Resilience By Empathy While being faced when growing up with adverse conditions, humanity possesses endurance and the ability to accept and forgive those responsible. In Jeannette Walls ‘ The Glass Castle (2005), Walls shows the ability of a child to develop resilience in the face of difficulty, early independence, and eventually redemption for all the…