Category: Dress Code

  • School Uniforms Stifle Freedom Of Expression

    Students should not wear uniforms because they take away a students sense of individuality. Imagine this: 30 students sit at desks in a small classroom. Each student wears tan pants and a white shirt. They sit with their school books and papers in front of them. They all look exactly alike. Does this seem right?…

  • Dress Code In Schools As A Female Sexism

    In 1630, the Puritans colonized Massachusetts Bay. They were the first to implement a dress code among themselves. Impure clothing such as ripped clothing were forbidden. Today, dress codes are built on this anti-democratic foundations. Many believe that dress codes create a safer environment and reduce distractions, but this is false. Dress codes are sexist,…

  • The Benefits Of School Specific Uniform

    Uniforms in school have been around for a long time. Wearing certain clothing with the school colors such as polo, certain jeans or pants, shoes, the school’s jacket, etc. There are schools that do not require to wear a uniform, meaning students can wear any type of clothing they feel comfortable with, but of course,…

  • School Uniforms: Dignity And Respect In The Classroom

    Many students go to school and wear inappropriate clothing making their school look more unprofessional and inconvenient for many other schools worldwide. Without school dress codes and private schools, Would students behave the same? We should all respect each other, Learn how to help each other, And not bully anyone. With the school dress code,…

  • Schools Uniform Is Beneficial Rather Than Detrimental

    Uniforms are distinctive clothing worn by members of the same organization or by children attending the same school. Its having the same form, manner, or degree. Although, school uniforms cannot stop all social issues, making school uniforms mandatory in all educational institutions have a number of tremendous effects. It breaks barriers among students, minimizes expenses…

  • The Impact Of School Uniforms On School Students

    Outfits are unmistakable attire worn by individuals from a similar association or by kids going to a similar school. It’s having a similar structure, way, or degree. In spite of the fact that school regalia can’t stop every social issue, making school garbs obligatory in every single instructive foundation have various huge impacts. It breaks…

  • Many Conflicts In Schools Can Be Solved Or Minimized With School Uniforms

    In both public and private schools, students are constantly being judged on what they wear or how they look. These types of judgments increase the amount of bullying. If schools were to make uniforms mandatory, the judgment would be eliminated and the bullying rate will more than likely decrease. We make inferences on the economic…

  • Dress Code Sexism In Schools

    As part of the Jefferson County Code of Conduct, the school dress code has always been a major concern with the administration and students in Shades Valley/JCIB. I, and many other females, have experienced shame because of the clothes we wear. I assume that this is because the administration believes that feminine clothing would cause…

  • No School Uniforms Essay

    It is debated nowadays on whether teenagers, who go to school, should be wearing a uniform. There are several advantages but also some disadvantages, such as All the students wearing the same uniform, which can take the stress off looking better than other students as they are wearing similar clothing, and also having a uniform…

  • Dress Code Gender Discrimination

    Every girl who has been a student at a public school knows the struggle of dress code. Our dresses are too tight, our shorts are too short, our shirts reveal to much cleavage, our tops show too much shoulder and our leggings are too distracting. School dress codes are unfair, body shaming and reinforce rape…