Category: Dystopia

  • Why Dystopian Literature is More Concerned about the Present than the Future

    Writers of dystopian literature focus mainly on the present and future. Both Orwell and Atwood turn their attention to the ways in which the present plays a pivotal role in helping to shape the future. Although both novelists focus on both tenses, dystopian literature often makes readers question if these events reflect the present or…

  • Unseen Dystopia for Only Ever Yours by Louise ONeill

    Like many dystopias ONeills dystopia Only Ever Yours focusses on the theme of entrapment. The theme of entrapment is a common dystopian trope and ONeill introduces this through her protagonist Freida. Immediately the passage starts off with the narrator explaining how she cant sleep even after taking SleepSound, this description instantly alerts readers and makes…

  • Why Dystopia is Not the Fiction of Resistance but the Fiction of Helplessness and Hopelessness

    Both Orwell and Atwood explore and present how two dystopian societies are completely controlled by different despotic regimes that restrict freedoms. In order to preserve the totalitarian states the secret police in both The Handmaids tale and 1984 the secret police invade and terrorise the personal lives of civilians so they are too scared to…

  • Utopia or Dystopia: What is the Difference

    Has anyone ever thought about living in a world where everything political, economic, and social was designed to be perfect? Basically, thats what an utopia is. An utopia is an idealised vision of a place or state in which everything runs perfect. Utopians or reformers are those who actually put their ideas into practice. This…

  • What Makes a Dystopia

    According to Terri Chungs Dystopian Literature Primer, we learn that a dystopia is a futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control. If we acknowledge, Hulus original series, The Handmaids Tale, we can come to conclusion that the…

  • Fahrenheit 451: Ways Of Censorships In A Dystopian Society

    A fireman’s purpose is to preserve and protect, but in Montag’s society firemen destroy and dictate their society. They act as law enforcers, they censor their society from the knowledge withheld inside a book. In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Montag seeks the truth in his society. Montags skepticism of his life and how his…

  • The Aspects of Dystopia in Red Cloaks, The Power and An Excess Male

    Dystopian novels follow a frightening downfall in society. The genre explores all types of disasters, from environmental catastrophes to government failure. Dystopias are typically used to draw attention to modern day political issues. Authors depict dystopian worlds so that a reader can draw connections between a texts dystopia and their own modern world. The genre…

  • Gilead: a Real Life Dystopia

    In The Handmaids Tale, Margaret Atwood depicts a feminist narrative revolving around a dystopian society where men hold dominion over women. In this society, called the Republic of Gilead, women are limited due to the extremist Christian governments policies. The ideologies of this dystopian government are depicted through the flashbacks and first person narration of…

  • Dystopian Equality in Harrison Bergeron

    This short story is called Harrison Bergeron wrote by Kurt Vonnegut. The overall atmosphere of this story is like The Giver, The Hunger Games, Divergent and other well-known dystopian stories that describes the hardships of a corrupt and down falling society in which who survives to be the fittest but a different kind of mind…

  • Utopia or Dystopia: What is the Difference

    Has anyone ever thought about living in a world where everything political, economic, and social was designed to be perfect? Basically, thats what an utopia is. An utopia is an idealised vision of a place or state in which everything runs perfect. Utopians or reformers are those who actually put their ideas into practice. This…