Category: Dystopia

  • Fahrenheit 451: Ways Of Censorships In A Dystopian Society

    A fireman’s purpose is to preserve and protect, but in Montag’s society firemen destroy and dictate their society. They act as law enforcers, they censor their society from the knowledge withheld inside a book. In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Montag seeks the truth in his society. Montags skepticism of his life and how his…

  • The Idea Of Human Nature In Harrison Bergeron And The Lottery

    I have always been slightly jealous of those who I think are better than me. It makes me yearn for equality. But, since reading Harrison Bergeron and The Lottery, I think I changed my mind. Two short stories The Lottery was written by Shirley Jackson, and Harrison Bergeron was written by Kurt Vonnegut. Jacksons story…

  • Dystopian Equality in Harrison Bergeron

    This short story is called Harrison Bergeron wrote by Kurt Vonnegut. The overall atmosphere of this story is like The Giver, The Hunger Games, Divergent and other well-known dystopian stories that describes the hardships of a corrupt and down falling society in which who survives to be the fittest but a different kind of mind…

  • Utopias and Dystopias in Literature

    Utopia and dystopia are genres of hypothetical fiction that dive deep into social and political structures. Utopian literature visualizes a perfect society where everything is butterflies and rainbows. Sounds too good to be true? It is. In literature, utopias hardly ever last long but, instead, they turn into complete dystopias. And come on, dystopias are…

  • Themes of Harrison Bergeron

    Harrison Bergeron, a short story by Kurt Vonnegut, displays many themes throughout the story. A main theme throughout the story is how a person in power feels threatened by those they control and how total equality is forced in society. While reading, the setting takes place in the United States of America in 2081 where…

  • Themes of Harrison Bergeron

    Harrison Bergeron, a short story by Kurt Vonnegut, displays many themes throughout the story. A main theme throughout the story is how a person in power feels threatened by those they control and how total equality is forced in society. While reading, the setting takes place in the United States of America in 2081 where…

  • Dehumanized Through the Dystopia Of It All

    What does it even mean to be human, why do we feel emotions, how does it benefit to think for myself and in the end how do we process it all. Imagine living in a world where you might not ever come to know yourself as an individual human being. I imagine not having the…

  • Why Is Fahrenheit 451 A Dystopian Novel?

    Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel written by Ray Bradbury. The author proves it is a dystopian novel by using dystopian controls such as bureaucratic control, technological control, and philosophical/religious control. Bureaucratic Control talks about how the society is being controlled by its government. Technological Control talks about how the society is influenced by technology.…

  • Totalitarian Society In Dystopias 1984 And Harrison Bergeron

    Dystopian literature is often defined as a fictional genre that depicts the society to be unfair and setting. Dystopian literature has been around for a while now. Dystopian literature usually depicts the future of society, whether it’s the lives of the citizens or the overall control of the government. Characterization is defined as is the…

  • The Giver: Utopian Or Not Utopian

    Although the community in The Giver may seem utopian, things are not always what they seem. Lois Lowry, author of many young adult novels, won two Newbery Medals for her books Number the Stars and The Giver. In 2014, The Giver became a film adaptation. The Giver has become a mandatory curriculum book in some…