Category: Employment

  • Conceptualizations of Work and Perspectives on Employment Relationships

    Work is an important versatile concept of our daily lives. According to Budd (2011), the definition of work is a purposeful human activity involving physical or mental exertion that is not undertaken solely for pleasure and that has economic or symbolic value. There are numerous conceptualizations of work as there is no single correct conceptualization…

  • Analysis and Evaluation of Main Features of National and International Employment

    Globalization has changed the employment market into a multi-cultural one which begs for a clear recognition of cultural differences. These differences need to be understood, recognized and considered especially when implementing HR practices such as recruitment and selection and performance management (White, 2015). As Ulrich (Ulrich, 1998) put it: Globalization requires organizations to move people,…

  • Contribution of SMEs to the UK Economy in Terms of Employment

    SME stands for small or medium sized enterprises. Munro D. (2013) touches upon the distinctive requirements a company needs to be defined as one, for example, a company can only be categorized as an SME in the UK if the amount of staff working for them is below 250, and the total amount received from…

  • Analysis of Italy’s Green Economy and the Creation of New Jobs Opportunities

    This research aims to investigate how the green economy can create new job opportunities, therefore defining some future social scenarios in Italy. The reason for which the green economy can create new employment for future generations is due to the use of new ecological and non-pollutant technologies that have been created and that will be…

  • Critical Essay about Working in UAE by Expats

    Introduction: This Essay is about Emily who works as a luxury retail manager in the UK and moved to the UAE after getting an attractive offer from a rival company. After coming to the UAE, she realized that the culture in the UAE was different from that of the UK in the way the customers…

  • Essay on the Impact of Globalization on Work and Employment

    Globalization refers to the socialization, interaction, cooperation, communication, and engagement among organizations, governments, and individuals at the global level. Advancement in communication, transportation, and technology has helped to make globalization a realization where humans engage in real-time transactions, socialization, meetings, treaties, and engagement among others despite having disparate geographical locations. According to Pietro, Girsberger, and…

  • Creating Employment Opportunities through Entrepreneurship: Essay

    Creating a business and growing it to generate a profit is entrepreneurship. But that definition is somewhat limiting. The more modern definition of entrepreneurship refers to transforming the world by tackling pressing issues. Social alternatives or bringing about a revolutionary product that challenges the status quo of our day-to-day lives are referred to as entrepreneurship.…

  • Why Should You Hire Me: Argumentative Essay

    I believe you should hire me over the other applicants due to my knowledge that I will be going over soon, I have the ability to work well with other staff members, and of course, due to the fact I have experience working as an MR at Bloxton Hotels. It means I would be able…

  • Employee Loyalty Essay

    Interpersonal trust can be defined as the willingness of a party to be vulnerable to the actions of another party based on the expectation that the other will perform a particular action important to the trustor, irrespective of the ability to monitor or control that other party (Mayer et al., 1995). There are three main…

  • How Leaders Positively & Negatively Affect Employees Voice Behavior

    Employee voice behavior is generally defined as pro motive behavior that emphasizes expression of constructive challenge intended to improve rather than merely criticize (Van Dyne and LePine, 1998). The study of voice behavior examines the preference of staff and team members to speak up and contribute ideas to the team. Although researchers have argued that…