Category: Environment

  • Florence Nightingales Environmental Theory and Its Application

    This essay aims to explain Florence Nightingales Environmental theory. It evaluates its imoirtance, strengths, and weaknesses, and provides an example of Nightingales Environmental theory in nursing care. Table of Contents Florence Nightingales Environment Theory Theorists Background and Experiences Crucial References for the Original Work of the Theorist Problem Addressed by the Environmental Theory Environment Theory…

  • The Relationship Between the Environment and Humans

    Table of Contents Concept of Environmental Health Environmental Factors that Impact Health My Role in Eliminating Environmental Barriers to Health Conclusion References The relationship between the environment and humans is a symbiotic one  people impact their surroundings, and they influence people. It is not an exaggeration to say that environmental conditions affect human health…

  • Consumption, Cheep Labor and Environmental Concerns

    I would like to clarify my view on the criticizing of expensive toys. I do not think that we should confine ourselves to spartan conditions and reject all of the modern conveniences and amusements. Still, I strongly believe that reducing the number of unnecessary purchases can definitely make the world better. I think that while…

  • Hydraulic Fracturing: Effects on the Environment

    Table of Contents Introduction Tar Sands Possible Solutions Conclusion References Introduction Fracking has been used widely in the US, and it is believed to offer great potential for crucial new sources of gas and oil supply. Currently, hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has been used extensively in the US and Canada since the 1950s and offers the…

  • Biodiversity on the Earth: Why Is It Crucial for the Environment?

    Table of Contents Introduction Definition and importance of biodiversity Threats to biodiversity Ways to preserve biodiversity Conclusion References Introduction There are numerous global problems that pose dangers to humanity and the Earth. Some people claim that it has always been like this, and the planet has been facing some threats to its environment throughout its…

  • The Drastic Effects of Human Pollution on the Environment

    Table of Contents Introduction Problem Solution Visualization Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The climate and the environment are growing concerns, with our ecological situation becoming more and more dire each year. Extreme weather conditions, natural disasters and other types of problems are the most extreme consequences of human activity, but some are much more subdued. While…

  • Human Negative Impact on the Environment

    Table of Contents Farms Deforestation Overfishing Reference Farms By farming, people mange agricultural lands to feed the world. It affects ecosystem by releasing carbon to the atmosphere and resulting in a loss of biodiversity. According to the graph provided in the activity, agricultural land use is increasing gradually since the 1950s (Howard Hughes Medical). It…

  • Environmental Considerations in Purchasing Transportation Services

    In this article, the authors write about the evolving environmental concerns of present-day companies related to their transport and the effects of safe practices on customer retention. They claim that this area is significant for creating a competitive advantage in the current market conditions (Lammgård & Andersson, 2014). Thus, Lammgård & Andersson (2014) present an…

  • The FISHstory Project in Environmental Studies

    Table of Contents Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusion References Introduction In the 21st century, the preservation of the environment has become an area of growing interest for researchers across the globe. Indeed, while modern technological development introduces major improvements in terms of convenience in peoples personal and professional activities, these advancements come at a cost.…

  • Environmental Justice Issues in Miami

    Table of Contents Introduction Problem Solutions Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Environmental justice is one of the major concerns of society today. It presupposes the fair distribution of environmental benefits and burdens to ensure that no communities or groups suffer from unfair attitudes or being exposed to factors threatening their lives and well-being (Abel and Stephan…