Category: Financial Crisis

  • Post-Global Financial Crisis Companies Strategies

    Introduction This paper advances proposals that companies should exert to change their strategies regarding bonds, fixed income, and leveraged securities, given the 2007-2009 Global Financial Crisis. This appalling global phenomenon sabotaged economies worldwide and plunged them into radical bankruptcy and landslides (Farlow, 2010). Of vital significance is the impactful liquidation catastrophe on financial markets across…

  • Analysis of the 2008 Financial Crisis

    Table of Contents Introducton Primary Triggers Solutions Lessons COVID-19 and the Crisis Conclusion Works Cited Introducton The financial crisis of 2008 now seems a distant event, especially given the developments surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the mistakes made in 2008, experts say, could have been easily avoided, and it already seems evident that the…

  • The Financial Crisis and Its Connection With Globalization

    Discussion The audio files suggested for listening and analyzing enlarge on the problem of financial crisis. Here, it is possible to see the apparent link between the financial crisis and globalization upon their closer consideration. In particular, the first audio file titled as Another Frightening Show about the Economy presents the dialogue between the radio…

  • Financial Discourse Under Financial Crisis 2007-2008

    Table of Contents Introduction Methodology The theoretical background A list of relevant works References Appendix 1 Introduction This paper studies financial columnists writing under the 2007-08 economic crash from world-leader newspapers such as Wall-Street-Journal, National-Post, Globe-and-Mail, and New-York-Times and related materials from the point of view of genre analysis. Particularly, the studies will focus on…

  • 1929-1931 Financial Crisis and 2007-2010 Financial Crisis Comparison

    Introduction A financial crisis refers to a situation where there is a large loss of value by some financial institutions. Most financial crises are attributable to bank panics or sudden changes in the value of currency making it hard for it to serve its purpose. Many other situations may result in a financial crisis like…

  • Global Financial Crisis in the U.S.

    The global economic crisis has hit the U.S. with a particular force. It has sharply reduced the volume of production, which led to the breakdown of finances, caused widespread destruction and bankruptcy of industrial, commercial, and financial firms, not to mention mass unemployment. The years of the crisis affected one-fifth of all U.S. banks, every…

  • Financial Institution in the Financial Crisis of 2008

    Financial institutions play a pivotal role in shaping the economy of every nation. Nevertheless, their decisions may dip an economy into economic difficulties or turmoil. The activities of financial institutions may also contribute towards improving the performance of an economy. Over the past decade, financial institutions have played a significant role in determining the wellbeing…

  • Global Financial Crisis and Market Efficiency

    Ray Ball proposes several lessons about market efficiency that people can learn from the global financial crisis. Among the lessons are the limitations to the efficient market hypothesis, which, according to Ball (2009), is silent on the supply side of the information market. This argument means that the theory of efficient market hypothesis does not…

  • The Greek Financial Crisis Resolving

    Table of Contents Summary of the Article What the Article Means and Opinion on the Content Analysis References Summary of the Article The article So, We Meet Again: The Greek Crisis emphasizes the core issues that the European Union [EU] is considering in determining how to resolve the Greek financial crisis. According to the article,…

  • Financial Crisis: Beyond 1929  2008 Comparison

    Abstract This report compares the great depression of 1929 with the financial crisis of 2008. The basis of comparison is with respect to outset, causes, effects and nature. The report describes the general factors that are likely to cause financial crisis. It also includes the various forms of financial crises that are likely to be…