Category: Flu

  • Preventing the Flu During Winter



    The flu is an infectious respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses. The outcomes of the illness can be mild to severe, mostly depending on peoples age and health conditions. The symptoms may include muscle pain, fever, runny nose, fatigue, sore throat, and cough, subsiding within a week. However, influenza can also cause severe complications and…

  • Quality Improvement Initiative  Influenza Vaccination



    Table of Contents Introduction Summation of Quality Improvement Initiatives Quality Improvement Measures and Importance SMART Goals and Stakeholders Tools, Policies, and Resources Advanced Health Information Technology QI Initiative Incorporation into Strategic Planning Evaluation of the QI Initiative Conclusion References Introduction The health of medical providers is an essential factor that not only reduces the risk…

  • Influenza and Community Health Nurses Role



    Introduction Influenza is a viral infection that is caused by the influenza virus. It affects the respiratory system and causes complications such as bacterial pneumonia and dehydration. There are three types of influenza viruses. They include Type A, Type B, and Type C. Types A and B are very common and usually cause outbreaks and…

  • Tuberculosis, Mumps, Influenza in Miami



    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis of the City Diseases Action Plan Based on Healthy People 2020 Conclusion References Introduction The recent events of Hurricane Irma created an increasingly unhealthy environment for the city of Miami, Florida. This situation requires additional actions to prevent the spread of communicable illnesses. Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County…

  • The Influenza Vaccine Study Critical Evaluation



    In recent years, with the advancements in social media, it has become even more crucial to be critical of the incoming information. In the cases of health-related content, the well-being of not only individuals but the whole community or even the world can depend on it. The mass spread of misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic…

  • Influenza Vaccine: The Effectiveness Against Hospitalization in Children



    Table of Contents Introduction Phenomenon of Interest Philosophical Viewpoints Ways of Knowing Conclusion References Introduction Influenza, also called flu, is among the most contagious infections that tamper with the passage of air in the lungs. The symptoms of influenza include coughs, body aches, high fever, sore throat, stuffy and runny nose, among other symptoms. Influenza…

  • Influenza A and Bacterial Meningitis in Miami



    Table of Contents Healthy People 2020 Overview Population-Based Communicable Illnesses Influenza A Bacterial Meningitis Syphilis References Healthy People 2020 Overview The Healthy People 2020 initiative adopted in 2010 embraces a wide range of topics related to health care. The program includes forty-two topics, each of which has specific objectives and goals. Initiated by the U.S.…

  • Influenza Pandemic Outbreak Overview



    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Leadership Perspective Systems Approach to Establishing Immediate Response Summary of Leadership Challenges How Leadership Challenges Relate to Challenges of Others Conclusion References Abstract This present paper has discussed how the systems approach can be utilized by the Director of CDC to establish an immediate response to influenza outbreak. Although the…

  • School Closure During Influenza Pandemic



    Introduction An influenza pandemic is of enormous significance both nationally and globally because it affects a large number of people. Historically, four principal influenza pandemics (1918, 1957, 1968-9, and 2003) have been reported globally. In 2003, the pandemic involved outbreaks of Influenza A, subtypes H1N1 and H5N1, and an outbreak of acute respiratory syndrome. The…

  • Support for Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Requirement Among US Healthcare Personnel



    The study analyzes an article titled New Approaches for Influenza Vaccination of Healthcare Workers. Imperatively, the article focuses on the effectiveness of compulsory vaccination on healthcare workers (HWCs) as a strategy to minimize influenza infections and improve the level of vaccinations among HWCs in the United States. The article elaborates that influenza is among serious…