Category: Flu

  • Flu Vaccination Side Effects as a Cause of Refusal



    Table of Contents Introduction Common Side Effects Allergic Reactions Guillain-Barré Syndrome Flu Infection Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Flu vaccinations are considered to be an important part of population health programs in most developed countries. However, the published statistics on flu vaccinations reveal that many people opt against flu shots. For instance, according to Petty, only…

  • The H1N1 Influenza Virus: Benefits of Vaccination



    Table of Contents Introduction Main text Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The coronavirus pandemic is not the first major epidemic in the 21st century. In 2009, the H1N1 virus, which is a subtype of influenza A1, caused a swine flu epidemic (Jilani et al.). In addition, the same virus was responsible for one of the largest…

  • Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination



    Mandatory vaccines have been a controversial topic for many decades. This is because historically, the responsibility of public health preservation remains at the hands of the state and local governments. In efforts to curb the spread of communicable diseases, these responsibilities and powers may involve the institution of mandatory vaccination legislations and quarantines. The history…

  • H1N1 Flu as a Major Threat for Human Health



    Introduction The recent outbreak of H1N1 began on April 13 2009 in Mexico when a new strain of H1N1 influenza A was reported. Within a short period of time, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic alert that changed from level 3 to level 6. Until the first week of August this year, WHO…

  • Seasonal Influenza in Young Children and Older Adults



    Table of Contents Introduction Commonalities and Differences in Young Children and Older Adults Alterations to Plan of Care Conclusions References Introduction Seasonal influenza is a dangerous disease that causes a great number of hospitalizations and deaths worldwide. The number of deaths in the USA caused by influenza-related healthcare complications ranges from 12,000 in 2011-2012 to…

  • Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Program



    Introduction The focus of this paper is on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) vaccination program on seasonal influenza. The study aims at investigating the effectiveness of the program in terms of seeking long-term and viable solutions to seasonal influenza. This will be achieved by exploring various peer-reviewed literature that has been devoted towards evaluating…

  • Influenza Epidemiology and Intervention



    Introduction At least once in a lifetime, an individual undergoes a distressing period when they experience flu. Whether mild or severe, the virus that causes flu spreads in the body, weakening its immunity. The influenza virus multiplies at different rates in the respiratory organs causing different mildness or severe flu levels. The discussion focuses on…

  • Seasonal Influenza Analysis



    Synopsis The review is based on the studies conducted by different scholars at various periods of time. The independence of each research helps us draw objective unprejudiced conclusions about CDC program relevance and cost effectiveness. Background CDC program on Seasonal Influenza is aimed at informing people about cases, treatment, protection issues and complications of flu…

  • Influenza Preparedness in Low-Resource Settings



    Table of Contents Summary Analysis Key Elements Reflection Reference List Summary In the article titled, Influenza Preparedness in Low-resource Settings: a Look at Oxygen Delivery in 12 African Countries, Belle, Cohen, Shindo, Lim, Velazquez-Berumen, and Ndihokubwayo (2010) investigate the preparedness of 12 African countries healthcare systems for influenza outbreaks. Belle et al. (2010) assert that…

  • Influenza Pandemic Outbreak Analysis



    Table of Contents Abstract CDC Director, Crisis Response Transformational and Transactional leaders Poor Leadership References Abstract The group case study involves analysis of preparedness plan and challenges of an influenza pandemic on a developing nation. The infectious disease has undergone extensive studies in collaboration with CDC leadership. The leadership in the management of influenza pandemic…