Category: Food Waste

  • We Should Reduce Food Waste in the US and Around the World

    Imagine this – you and your friends are just hanging out. Suddenly when a breeze hits you, the pervasive smell of rotting fish, rotten flesh, and decomposing food fills the air. Your eyes start watering and it becomes harder for you to breathe. You start gagging trying to search for fresh air, but there is…

  • We Must Stop Wasting Food

    If we show people how much food is wasted each year does this motivate them to stop wasting food? This can probably help us a little bit from wasting food due to the fact that a lot of people would have an incentive to finally do it. People love money so giving money would be…

  • Problem of Food Waste and Its Solutions

    Did you know that over 1/3 of all food produced globally goes to waste, The annual value of food wasted globally is $1 trillion, it weighs about 1.3 billion tons. And all the world’s nearly one billion hungry people could be fed on less than a quarter of the food that is wasted in the…

  • Schools Are the Key to Combatting the Food Waste Epidemic

    A common saying within the English lexicon is that Ignorance is bliss, meaning that what one does not know cannot hurt them. Americans specifically are ignorant to a great amount of issues, even ones occurring within their own households, and more specifically, food waste. Many Americans grew up regarding food in the same way …